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05Feb2025 - 10:47 54 PM
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CM: Assembly 集结号 DVD
Code : 886356023267
Price : MYR24.90 SGD11.83 USD9.71 RMB67.23 MYR19.92 / SGD9.46 / USD7.77 / RMB53.78
Weight :150 g
Staring :张涵予 , 廖凡 , 王宝强 , 邓超 , 李乃文 , 任泉 ,
Director :冯小刚 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Innoform Media (M) Sdn Bhd ,

War feasts upon death. Its greedy appetite carries away many a life on the battlefield, and soldiers must be ready to die at any time. Yet all these sacrifices can be given meaning and reason with honour. A weathered witness of war’s insatiable appetite, Guzidi, Captain of the Ninth Company, will struggle his entire life to return honour to his 46 men and their self-sacrifice. 1948 witnessed the launching of the Huaihai Campaign during the Chinese Civil War. In one of Chinese history’s deadliest battles, thousands from the People’s Liberation Army and the KMT Army fell in the battle that took place between Xuzhou and Bengdu. It was amid this bloody fight that Captain Guzidi led the Ninth Company infantry unit on a sniper mission. His orders were to fight the KMT Army until the retreat assembly call was sounded. Yet, after many long hours of painstaking resistance, Guzidi watched powerless as the ammunition ran out and the scant ranks of the Ninth Company grew sparser still. The men were falling one by one. On the brink of death, Lieutenant Jiao Dapeng, Guzidi’s best partner, announced that he heard the call and asked Guzidi to retreat with the remaining soldiers. The dying man’s words spread doubt within the remainder of the company, but Guzidi insisted that the bugle had not sounded and that they were to continue fighting at all costs. Not until later did Guzidi realize that all the neighbouring troops had already left the field, and that his entire company had maybe died in vain because of his stubborn obedience. Blinded by anger and guilt, Guzidi marched straight into the enemy’s trench. But his life was spared, and he had no choice but to shoulder the gargantuan weight of guilt and mystery that would burden the remainder of his life. A few days later, Guzidi woke up in a hospital. While among the KMT ranks, he had been wounded and captured by the PLA. He had lost his identity, and quickly learnt that without a survivor to vouch for them, the 46 men who had bravely sacrificed their lives under him had simply… gone missing. Guzidi joined the infantry of the Liberation Army and painstakingly climbed up the lower rungs of the military ladder. Determined to prove the glorious death of his 46 men, Guzidi embarked on a journey in search of those who held the key to the mystery of the bugle call. Guzidi was not alone in his cursed adventure. Sun Guiqin, the wife of Guzidi’s fellow soldier Wang Jincun, believed in the death of her husband only upon hearing it from Guzidi. The two of them set out together on their quest for honour. Finally, after fighting through a myriad of perils and lost ways, Guzidi returned to the old coal mine where the deadly battle took place. He was still alone in believing what happened here. After silently staring at the huge mine where his men shed their blood, Guzidi began hungrily digging, knowing that the bodies of his 46 honourable men still lay underneath … 一个老头特别爱听军队的集结号,战士就问他为什么,老人就讲了自己的一个亲身经历,在一次战役中,上面的命令是一个连队的战士坚守4小时以集结号为令撤退,结果等了12个小时集结号也没有吹响过。 而这就是影片《集结号》的核心故事:当张涵予饰演的连长谷子地所带领的47个战士伤亡惨重时,由廖凡饰演的排长焦大鹏在牺牲前告诉谷子地:我听到集结号了。焦大鹏是全连最勇敢的战士,由他说出的这句话让谷子地震惊。但是谷子地本人却没有听到号声,于是他决定继续坚守下去,结果47个战士最终全部阵亡。从此谷子地开始了寻找真相的过程……进入和平年代后,这47名战士被定为“失踪”,谷子地的后半生就在寻找47具遗骸、为追溯他们“烈士”的称号而存活着……

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