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24Apr2024 - 10:11 49 PM
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DVD A Maid From Heaven 七仙女 (Eng Sub) China Movie
Code : 9555186377237
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Staring :Ivy Ling Bo , Fang Ying , Pan Yin Tse ,
Director :Ho Meng Hua , Chen Yu Hsin ,
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

It took two directors, three assistant directors, and four cinematographers to capture this remarkable epic about life in the Heavenly Palace. Fang Ying began her career as the title character, who decides that life on Earth would be more rewarding. And given that this was years before Chang Cheh would introduce yanggang (macho) cinema to Hong Kong, the man she falls in love with is played by a woman: Ivy Ling Po -- then also a newcomer. 只羡鸳鸯不羡仙―《七仙女》故事描述,玉帝之小女儿七仙女(方盈),厌倦天庭刻板生活,不惜冒犯天规,降临人间;少年董永(凌波)卖身传员外家,为奴三载,以埋父骨;董永之孝心,感动了七仙女,便幻成村姑,藉土地神之助,说服董永与其结成夫妇,并相偕到传家上工,七仙女在六位仙姐下凡暗助下,为董永缩减偿还工作日,众仙女帮助纺织锦布,发挥仙术,百日完工;回复自由后,二人回董永故家,但愉快的凡间生活能持续多久呢?玉帝得知小女儿私自下凡的消息后,天庭盛怒,命雷神逼其返回天宫,七仙女与董永二人在槐树下无奈分离,情节悲痛,颇为感人。这部邵氏版《七仙女》原本由李翰祥执导,拍摄中途李翰祥突然脱离邵氏,到台湾另组国联影片公司,李翰祥动用大堆头明星拍《七仙女》,邵氏不甘示弱,也沿用李翰祥留下的剧本拍同名同戏,在向法庭申请禁制令的同时,将十个摄影棚都搭了同一部戏的布景,由陈一新和何梦华联合导演,亚洲影后凌波反串男角与方盈合演情侣。1963年12月,两部《七仙女》在台湾同时上映,但李版因只有江青、钮芳雨担纲,气势较邵氏版为弱而票房落败。而李版《七仙女》要等官非和解才在香港上映。 方盈本名倪芳凝,贵州人,自幼

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