In C.E. 73, tensions between Naturals and Coordinators continue to persist, eventually leading to another war between the Earth Alliance and PLANT. Sven Cal Bayan is a Natural pilot of the elite EA squad, the Phantom Pain, and carries out his squad's various anti-Coordinator missions without fail. Selene McGriff is a Coordinator researcher at the neutral Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD) and a developer of the GSX-401FW Stargazer space exploration mobile suit. Though their backgrounds are completely different, the expanding war will nevertheless force their paths to collide. C.E 73。尤尼乌斯7落下时所造成的冲击波将城市彻底摧毁,人们也纷纷被卷入了其中,同时地球上也留下了深深的伤痕。恐怖和混乱之中,一架机动战士出现在了仿佛是静止的天空之中。与这纯白色的机体“STARGAZER”一同出现的是有着星之世界理想的DSSD机动战士开发组组员赛雷妮·马克古里夫。然而还有另一个人,用冰冷的眼神凝望这被黑烟包围而看不见星星的天空,他是地球联合军Phantom pain所属的Strike Noir的驾驶员——史威恩·卡尔·巴亚。他们的目光还没有交汇,星光还未闪现……