The basic formula for the manga chapters and anime episodes is as follows: what seems like a normal day at Dōmori Elementary is disrupted by some weird phenomenon, usually targeting one of Nūbē's own students. Nūbē is forced into action, most often using the power of the Demon's Hand to assist in solving the problem, but occasionally the solution lies either in another of his spiritual weapons, or somehow reasoning with or appeasing the threatening entity. By the end, things always seem to get back to normal, with Nūbē and his students having learned something from the experience. Most of the series retains this episodic formula, forgoing an over-arching storyline in favor of more character-driven action, although there are several recurring antagonists throughout, as well as some longer story arcs towards the end of the series.
這個世界上存在著人類的肉眼所無法的黑暗一族, 他們時時等待機會摩拳擦掌准備襲向無知的人類 .而他 ,我們也許可以稱他為-- 為了保護我們不受那些怪物所侵害而從十八層地獄降臨這世間的正義使者吧 !神眉...神眉... 童守町小學的新學期, 夜野銘介老師的到來引起一陣轟動, 因為傳說中他擁有一只可怕的鬼手,封印著一個及具妖力的惡鬼,而且具有降服惡靈的本領, 也有人稱他為靈異教師神眉. 雖然他的靈能力在平時總是靠不住,但只要自己的學生遇到危險,神眉就一定能發揮百分之百以上的力量.神眉老師被分在了五年級三班擔任班主任, 等待他的是: 熱血的足球小將小廣, 胸部平平的男人婆鄉子, 喜愛傳播流言的波霸少女美樹, 惹是生非的不良少年克也, 健忘的矮仔小�, 傲慢的財閥少主秀一(標准的日式角色配備), 當然還有一大群惡形惡狀的妖怪. 這是黃金搭檔真倉翔,的成名之作.是一部能讓你同時感到恐怖和爆笑的作品, 喜歡日本傳統妖怪的朋友們千萬千萬不要錯過!!