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07Oct2024 - 02:22 58 AM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD PET SHOP OF HORRORS 訊伽活麗糾 By Waco mac┏ / ウェイコMACO (A30)
Code : 9132488830372
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Director :Toshio Hirata / 拭健峠弥 ,
Year :1999
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Kedai Buku Topwin ,
Producer :ANIME 強只 ,

Count D is the mysterious caretaker of an exotic pet shop in Chinatown. (The location of Chinatown is given as both San Francisco and Los Angeles. In Volume 5, the Mayor remarks to D about his pet penguin being the 'happiest penguin in San Francisco.' But in Volume 9, a young girl flies to L.A. to see Count D after he was on the news for his actions at the L.A. Zoo.) Each pet purchased from the shop comes with a contract with three major points. These points differ for each animal sold, and breaking this contract usually results in dire (and sometimes disturbing) consequences for the buyer, for which the pet shop claims no liability.
Individual chapters of Pet Shop of Horrors are often based on these consequences, and are each written as a stand-alone story, usually introducing one or more new characters in each chapter. With the exception of the main characters and their families, it is rare for a character to carry over to a later chapter, providing the series with a very episodic nature.
The detective Leon Orcot is used to tie the chapters together into an ongoing plot, usually in the form of a subplot within each chapter. Initially he suspects Count D of malicious criminal activity and using the pet shop as a front for drug trafficking. As the series progresses, he learns more about the pet shop and Count D himself, entering into a strange friendship of sorts with the Count as he works to uncover the truth.

Dはチャイナタウンエキゾチックなペットショップ舞蜘議な砿尖繁であるカウント チャイナタウンの侭は、サンフランシスコとロサンゼルスのI圭として嚥えられている及5では偏Lは、泳のペットのペンギンあることについてDにk冱サンフランシスコで恷も侑せなペンギンしかし、及9飛い溺の徨がLAにwぶ泳はLA嗄@で泳の佩のためのニュ`スにあった瘁にDを方える歌孚ショップから澓したペットは3麼勣なポイントとの弐sが原奉していますこれらの泣は咾靴光嗄錣砲弔いなっており、この弐sを篤ることは、宥械ペットショップ匯俳の販を麼していないもののためにバイヤ`のための丑禍なそしてrには形墾のY惚になる


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