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07Oct2024 - 02:22 58 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

JP-A: 战吼 / Tactical Roar 1-13(END) DVD
Code : 9555329224268
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :150 g
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

In the near future, a hypercane has appeared in the Pacific Ocean, and it's been frozen in the same location for over 50 years. This causes all sorts of environmental problems due to the destabilizing effects caused by the storm. Due to the storm the world has revert to a second naval age. This has caused a rise in piracy, so many large international companies have begun arming themselves and setting up their own security forces. Hyōsuke Magamiya runs into the crew of the Pascal Mage, a military ship. He gets into a few typical compromising situations before finally being introduced as a software engineer assigned to update the systems onboard ship. He meet his step-sister, the captain of the war vessel, Captain Misaki Nanaha, who treats him as a stranger. Although he calls her sister he still thinks of her as a women none the less. During the duration of his duties, the ship is called into combat, where Hyosuke begins to understand the nature of the Pascal Mage and its crew's battle potential as the vessel flings itself into the fight.

近来,突如其来在西太平洋上出现的停滞性台风“克兰特罗亚”,它的诞生带来的气候变化给这个世界带来了巨大的改变。由于这些影响海面开始上升、海流的变化、气候的变动等等,以亚西亚为中心对世界产生了深刻的破坏。这些自然灾害人们称呼它们为“克斯欧米加” 这巨大的伤害被刻印在历史中。克兰特罗亚发生后50余年,人类经过了艰辛的努力终于完成了复兴。这时人们再度认识到海洋航路的重要性,第2次大航海时代来临了。但是,海洋发展的暗地里活跃的现代组织化海贼“特罗里斯托”的抬头,为了对付这些威胁,民间企业纷纷建立起武装化的自卫机关。这是个关于那个世界为了对付海贼的威胁,向往成为民间所属的护卫舰成员的少女们的故事……

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