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07Oct2024 - 02:19 45 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

JP-A : Ranma 1/2 end 乱马1/2全集
Code : W000626
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :250 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :4
Model :DVD9 ,

Saotome Ranma, a teenage martial artist, and his father Genma travel to the 'cursed training ground' of Jusenkyo in China. There, despite the warnings of the Chinese guard, they fall into the cursed springs. From now on, whenever Ranma is doused in cold water, he turns in to a girl, and a cute, well-built red-head at that. Hot water changes him back into a man again, but only until the next time. To make matters worse, his father engages him to Tendo Akane, a girl who hates boys. 在中国的青海,有一个名为咒泉乡的地方,在这里星罗棋布地散落着大大小小的泉水,每一眼泉水都有一个“恐怖”的传说。万一有人不幸失足落到泉水中,那么在他们的身上就会发生非常“可怕”的变化。主人公乱马落入了“女溺泉”,具有了会变为女孩的特殊体质,本作的故事这样展开了…… 在一个大雨滂沱的日子里,武术家早已女玄马带着儿子乱马来到了同门天道早云的道场,然而擅自被父亲指婚给乱马的天道茜却惊奇的发现,乱马是个有着奇异体质的男孩。原来,乱马和父亲在去中国青海省咒泉乡的一次修行中,不幸掉进了女溺泉,落得个遇冷水变成女孩遇热水变男孩的怪异体质。然而,有着同样不幸遭遇的并不止乱马一人。良牙、珊璞、慕丝、潘斯特太郎,哈浦……这些人在命运的安排下先后出现在乱马面前,演绎了一幕幕让人俊不禁的故事……

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