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07Oct2024 - 02:21 00 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Code : 9555329102160
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :100 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :English ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

Episode 17 (Season 5) - Espeon, Not Included

Our heroes meet up with an old friend, Sakura, and her Pokemon–an Espeon that evolved from her Eevee. They lend a hand as Sakura and her sisters prepare for an upcoming dance competition, but meanwhile Team Rocket is hatching a plan to capture a Pokemon from Sakura and each of her sisters, collecting all of the evolved forms of Eevee to present to their boss. When Sakura alone is left to face Team Rocket, she hopes she can prove her mettle once and for all, and gain her sisters' permission to embark upon a journey of her own.

Episode 18 (Season 5) - For Ho-Oh The Bell Tolls

When Ash, Misty, and Brock run to investigate a mysterious chorus of bells that spontaneously ring out, they chance to meet their old friend Morty and a Pokemon researcher of his acquaintance. Morty and the researcher discover that the sacred Crystal bells, which are said to ring when a legendary Ho-oh returns, are missing. Since the bells were also used to heal the Bug Pokemon living in that area, these Pokemon lash out against their human neighbors, covering the town with their webs. Ash and friends decide to get to the heart of things and, in the forest, find Team Rocket restrained by webs and hanging from a tree. Ash, Misty, Brock, Morty, and the researcher begin to battle with the Bug Pokemon. Just when it seems as if there is no hope an unsuspected ally appears.

Episode 19 (Season 5) - Extreme Pokemon!

On their way to Mahogany City, Ash, Misty, and Brock run into Gary and his Arcanine practicing for a meet. Ash decides he wants to enter the meet but needs a sleigh, which he receives from a local Pokemon breeder. Team Rocket no sooner gets wind of the meet than do they begin sabotaging it, stealing Gary's Arcanine midway through the race and making off with some Pokemon eggs stored at the local breeding center. After a short battle with Team Rocket, Arcanine is returned to Gary and Ash goes on to win the race, a trophy, and an unexpected gift from the Pokemon breeder.

Episode 20 (Season 5) - An Egg-Sighting Adventure

The egg—yet to hatch—that Ash had received from a grateful Pokemon breeder turns up missing. Ash and friends are fortunate, however, in that an Officer Jenny famous for her brilliant forensic work appears on the scene. As the investigation proceeds, however, the young Pokemon trainers begin to lose faith in this famous figure—it seems she is only able to correctly interpret clues after someone else (most often Ash, Misty, or Brock, in this case) have sorted things out for her. It seems that if the young trainers are to find the egg before it hatches, they will have to take over the investigation themselves.

Episode 21 (Season 5) - Hatching A Plan

At long last Ash's egg hatches, a Phampy emerging to finally put everyone's curiosity to rest. Ash and friends' excitement is matched only by that of Jessie and James of Team Rocket, who see in the newly hatched Pokemon a chance to redeem themselves with Giovanni. Full of youthful vigor, the Phampy quickly escapes Ash and goes off on its own, now pursued by both Team Rocket and Ash's party. Ash and Pikachu finally set out together after this stray Pokemon and continue to be frustrated in attempt after attempt at its capture.

Episode 22 (Season 5) - Dues and Don'ts

As Jessie, James, and Meowth track Ash and friends, they commiserate over past failures and discuss how they are paired unfairly against these younger trainers with such a superior array of Pokemon. They no sooner decide anew to catch as many Pokemon as possible and strengthen their own forces than a Delibird shows up. After finally capturing it, they are disappointed to learn that the Pokemon already has a trainer—a Team Rocket scout, no less, who is using the Delibird to test the abilities of promising new talent. Sensing their natural aptitudes toward crime, the scout offers Jessie and James positions within Team Rocket. These two assert that they are already members, to which the scout replies by accessing their Team Rocket personnel files and proving that they have been expelled from the organization. Shocked, Jessie and James set desperately to garnering some success that will earn them reentry into their beloved Team Rocket.

Episode 23 (Season 5) - Just Waiting On A Friend

Our heroes are traveling over a mountain pass when inclement weather occasions a stay in a lodge located conveniently nearby. Brock is very taken with the hospitable caretaker of the lodge and her Ninetales, but his friends grow increasingly suspicious of her as they notice, and unsuccessfully try to point out to Brock, vague warning signs—her being distant and distracted, her preoccupation with the past, her not reflecting in mirrors—that she is not in fact his dream girl. Brock will have none of it, though, and eagerly accepts her proposal of marriage, even as the lodge itself grows increasingly sinister.

Episode 24 (Season 5) - Fit To Be Tyrogue

Ash and friends chance into a Tyrogue, nearly falling victim to a ploy it lays out in an attempt to make off with all of their Pokemon food. Just as they tie things up with the Tyrogue, they learn that it is in fact not wild, but owned by a devoted student of Chuck, the Cianwood Gym leader. This student, who prides himself for his martial arts ability, explains that he is now taking his Tyrogue to an exhaustive tournament in which Fighting type Pokemon vie for the title. Meanwhile, though, he is having a terrible time disciplining his mischievous Pokemon. As if to accent this complaint, an angry local arrives, exclaiming that Tyrogue has wrought havoc in town for the last time.

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