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07Oct2024 - 02:32 49 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

JP-A : A Spirit Of The Sun 太阳之默示录
Code : 9555329224213
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :150 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

Japan goes under numerous natural disasters such as Tsunami’s, flooding, and the eruption of Mt. Fuji. The earthquakes creates fissures that separate Japn right on Tokyo. The resultant separation isn’t only geographically, it’s also within society which forms discrimination and hostility.Genshirou is a young boy that is caught in the middle of these literal and metaphorical disasters. A poor pup is caught under a rock at the initial signs of all the catastrophic disasters, Genshirou’s kind heart saves him, but he has no area to escape. When things calm down, he meets a kind driver. During their activity of providing resources to those in need, they become immediate friends. However, Genshirou falls into the deep waters of the sea, and is no where to be found. 大地震的到来,首都遭到了毁灭性的打击,日本本州被分成了南北两部分。分开的两部分分别接受着来自美国与中国两个大国的援助,但是与其说是援助,不如说是占领。成为了难民的日本国民纷纷逃往了海外。然而日本的复兴并没有停止,在不能回国的难民们的避难地,摩擦也渐渐地出现了……现在的日本也存在着各种各样的民族问题,纷争,恐慌。但是,日本要是在被分裂且被大国占领的话……以日本现实环境为背景,近未来假想为表现手法的超大型假想作品登场了……

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