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07Oct2024 - 02:28 22 AM
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Japan Anime

JP-A : Mahoujin Guru Guru Part II 咕噜咕噜魔法阵 Chapter 1-38 end
Code : 9528200080710
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :200 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,

Centuries ago, a dark force (the Demon Lord Giri) tried to conquer the world, but was defeated by a member of the Migu Migu tribe, who used dark magic for the cause of good.12-year-old Kukuri is the last member of that tribe, and she must go out to reseal the great evil now stalking the land. She is joined by Nike, an equally young "Hero" who is every bit as competent with his swordsmanship as she is with her magic skills. Which would be fine, except that both of them are Level 1 characters. Did I forget to mention that Kukuri's "black magic" consists of drawing circles in the ground and summoning whatever weird things she can think of? This is going to be one *long* journey. 某一天在夷美拉村子里,四个小孩在魔法婆婆的圈禁加武力威胁之下听她讲那老套的关于魔王的故事:很久很久以前,当时的国王仍然是胡加13世,有一个叫吉利的魔王使用黑暗魔法并召集了许多可怕的妖怪,在魔法战争中光明魔法也无法与之抗衡,于是国王就找到了同样使用黑暗魔法但是属于光明阵营的神秘族人帮忙终于封印了魔王。但是封印的效果只有300年,300年后,魔王将会再度复活降临世界。与此同时,国王发布了告示:本国大量召集勇者,打败魔王者能够得到……按照村里的惯例,仁杰出发前去了魔法婆婆家,魔法婆婆告诉了他关于咕噜咕噜传说的真相:咕噜咕噜原来是一种魔法阵,而懂得使用这种魔法阵的人只有米古米古族人,12年前最后一个米古米古族人的后裔就寄养在魔法婆婆家,她就是魔女歌莉。仁杰与歌莉被魔法婆婆打发出门之后,两人只有向王城进发。一场形同闹剧的测试之后,仁杰就成为了国王认可的勇者,再次被人利用,送上了与大魔王挑战的道路。之后就是主角们不断学习成长进而挑战大魔王最终战胜他这种非常正统的勇者剧情。

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