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07Oct2024 - 02:22 15 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Code : 9876543212443
Price : MYR28.00 SGD13.30 USD10.92 RMB75.60 MYR22.40 / SGD10.64 / USD8.74 / RMB60.48
Weight :100 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

This movie, based on an anecdote of "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu" written by novelist Tanaka[family-name] Yoshiki [given-name], preludes the 110-episodes TV series by describing the first encounter between the ambitious young man Reinhard von Museal under the imperial flag and the passive Yang Wengli who serves a corrupting democracy. Set in an imaginative future, the story describes the first encounter between Yang and Reinhard and discusses how heroes are born. 從地球政權毀滅的灰燼、銀河聯邦的成立,到民主共和體制的衰亡垮台、以至於發展為兩大勢力以銀河支配權為賭注的長期戰爭。人類將對立和破壞的劇本重演了無數次,只留下以愚昧和嘗試相互交錯而寫成的歷史。 然而,兩位英雄人物的偶然相遇,改寫了銀河的歷史,也改變了他們周遭眾多人物的際遇

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