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07Oct2024 - 02:25 45 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

eX-Driver 急速战警 剧场版
Code : F00284
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

Well-mannered Lorna, impetuous Lisa and young prodigy Souichi are teenagers living in a future where AI-driven cars have made the act of driving obsolete. That's why their ability to drive souped-up, gasoline-powered cars gives them the elite status of eX-Drivers, whose job it is to stop AI-driven cars when their programming gets out of control. In this hour-long feature, the three of them travel to America to represent Japan in the World eX-Driver Championships. However, all is not well as Team USA sponsor Rico Gambino appears to be doing more with his money than simply financing the team. Between Gambino's shady dealings and the antics of his rebellious daughter Angela, Japan's eX-Drivers may be playing for higher stakes than just a championship trophy. 在距离现代不久的未来,由於科技的进步,人类赖以代步的汽车早已完全被电动 车所取代,每部车辆皆强制配备AI(人工智慧)自动驾驶的功能,配合著都市电脑交通管制系统,车祸事故与交通混乱的现象似乎都不再发生了……。某日,某辆人工智慧车突然发生暴冲的现象,完全不接受交通中心电脑的管制在路上横冲直撞,理沙与罗娜二位妙龄少女受命驾驶一辆旧型的手排跑车急赴现场救援,二人凭藉绝佳的默契与高超的驾驶技术,终於制伏暴冲车辆挽救三名乘客的性命,然而灾难并未因此结束,另一个地点又发生不明原因的暴冲事件,这一切的背後似乎隐藏著不为人知的秘密……

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