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07Oct2024 - 02:17 55 AM
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Japan Anime

Trinity Blood 圣魔之血
Code : 9787883624806
Price : MYR25.90 SGD12.30 USD10.10 RMB69.93 MYR20.72 / SGD9.84 / USD8.08 / RMB55.94
Weight :250 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Discs :2
Model :DVD ,

When Earth's population drastically increased, humanity attempted to colonize Mars. During the colonization, they discovered two alien technologies: the Bacillus and the Crusnik nanomachines. The colonists installed the Bacillus in their bodies which transformed them into Methuselahs. They installed the Crusnik in the bodies of four test tube babies: Seth, Cain, Abel and Lilith whose enhanced bodies were the only ones able to survive the procedure.

When the colonists returned to Earth, a war broke out between the Methuselahs and the humans who had remained on earth. Abel, Cain, and Seth took the Methuselah's side—while Lilith supported the humans' side. The continuing war eventually led to "Armageddon," the apocalyptic event that happened 900 years before the start of the story. During the war, Cain went insane and killed Lilith. In grief, Abel took her body to the Vatican where she was buried. Abel remained at her side, weeping for her, for 900 years.

At the start of the story, the vampiric Methuselahs, still a major political and military force, continue to wage war on the "Terrans," as they call regular humans. The Roman Catholic Church is a major military power determined to protect humans from the Methuselahs, with its seat of power based in the Vatican. The Methuselahs have their capital of Byzantium, which is surrounded by a field of particles to filter out UV radiation, protecting the Methuselah population.

Both groups use "lost technologies," such as airships, missiles, and computers, to engage in a cold war with one another. A third great power, Albion also plays a role in the war with its superior arsenal of lost technology and weapons and higher level of manufacturing ability versus the Vatican. The independent monarchy of Albion is a primarily human country, however the secret of their expertise in lost technology is found in the Ghetto, an underground city of enslaved Methuselah. It is these Methuselah who operate and manufacture the lost technology, but with the death of the Albion Queen, some of the enslaved vampires begin a rebellion for the freedom of all of the Ghetto residents.

若干年前。某技艺高超的人偶师创造出了名为Rozen Maiden的七个人偶。人偶师原本打算创造出理想中的完美女性:爱丽丝,但每完成一个,总觉得存在某些缺陷,于是不间断地制作出了七个不同的人偶。最终,无论哪个人偶都没有达到他完美的标准。于是人偶师设计让人偶们在未来漫长的时光中互相战斗、夺取其他人偶的生命之源:Rose Mystica。而一旦被夺去生命之源,那么该人偶就会成为废品:junk:与之相反,能集齐全部人偶之Rose Mystica,就可幻化为完美之化身---爱丽丝。

若干年后。樱田纯是一位中考意外落榜后热衷于网上购物的初中男生。某一天,纯打开了网上订购的一只皮箱,在那里面沉睡的竟是一个仿真人大小,做工极其精致而华丽,并拥有灵性与生命的人形布偶,即Rozen Maiden第五人偶:真红。出于好奇,纯给人偶拧上了发条。。。从此,纯的一生也由此改变。

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