The story is about a 9-year old boy named Wataru Ikusabe (戦部ワタル Ikusabe Wataru) that is magically transported to a magical realm of the gods called Soukaizan which he is supposed to save. The series incorporated many elements of RPG games including dungeon levels and quests for mystical objects. Soukaizan itself is represented as a series of tiered platforms each floating above the one beneath it in a rough pyramid shape. In order to progress to the next tier, the show's heroes must complete some task on the one beneath where he will meet the series' ultimate villain. In his quest to save the realm, he manages to transform a clay sculpture into a somewhat autonomous (small) Super Robot. He also befriends many of the Soukaizan natives, and forms some very strong friendship bonds. The term Sou-kai-zan can be broken down to its 3 parts. Sou meaning creation.| Kai meaning realm, space, world, or universe.| Zan meaning hill or mountain. which is repersented by the pyramid shape of the world's level.