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07Oct2024 - 05:29 11 AM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime :浪客剑心 DVD Japanese Anime : Rurouni Kenshin DVD- 浪客剑心
Code : E00091
Price : MYR250.00 SGD118.75 USD97.50 RMB675.00 MYR200.00 / SGD95.00 / USD78.00 / RMB540.00
Weight :1000 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Cantonese , English , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :32
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

Himura Kenshin is a vagabond with a dark past and sunny disposition. Not a ronin but a rurouni, he was never a samurai, but an assassin of utmost skill in the Meiji restoration, who in the turning point of the war simply walked away. His travels lead him to Tokyo in the 11th year of the Meiji era, where he befriends a female Kendo master, a former thief, a brawler and a doctor all with their own secrets. Together they fight off the enemies surfacing from the dark past that Kenshin cannot escape. 维 新政府建立后的某一天,在一个小村庄里,剑心遇见了一位美丽的少女神谷熏。交谈中得知有个叫此留间五兵卫的人冒充拔刀斋在村里作恶,阿熏手拿竹刀与之拼命,但不是对手。五兵卫手起刀落,眼看阿熏性命难保,千钧一发之际,一个人影风驰电掣般闪过,五兵卫劈了个空,而阿熏已在一位英俊的红发少年怀中。 阿熏见救自己的竟然是一位拿逆刃刀的少年武士,而且还说自己就是杀人无数的刽子手拔刀斋,她很想知道剑心为什么不再杀人,她也很想了解剑心的过去,她希望剑心结束流浪生活,在道场安家,用剑去实现保护受苦受难的人的愿望。 阿熏把自己的身世告诉了剑心,她父亲是神谷活心流传人,一直遵循以剑活人,以剑救世的宗旨,剑术高超却从不使用真剑,专门锄强扶弱,幕末乱世中,一名弟子受利益驱使,杀死了她父亲,如今道场解散,门下一个弟子也没有, 但她没有气馁,决心独力支撑大局,并将父亲活人的剑道精神发扬光大,以保护弱者。

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