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21Nov2024 - 06:58 29 PM
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Korean Drama : Foxy Lady VCD- 狐狸俏佳人
Code : 9555209001378
Price : MYR65.00 SGD30.88 USD25.35 RMB175.50 MYR52.00 / SGD24.70 / USD20.28 / RMB140.40
Weight :500 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Korean , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :16
Model :VCD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

The story is about a not-so-bright older girl of 33 years old with a heart of a 24-year-old called Go Byeong Hee, who works as a reporter in a third-rate magazine company and dreams with a "platonic love and relationship" with her friend's brother who is nine years younger than her. She frequently finds it hard to cope with the blandness of her life. What she dreams of, is working for a company that she can be proud of and finding a man who can provide warm support when she needs it. In addition, she wants to go on a world tour in a camping car with her new love. Suddenly, she gets into an accident with her friend Seung Hye's brother, Park Chul Su . He is a 24-year-old male working as a mechanic at a car repair shop. Although Chul Su does not have much in life, he is filled with ambition and enjoys life by doing the things he loves, working as a mechanic and traveling. How many people actually find the love they dream of? Until they realize that true love is just around the corner, this couple continues to pursue this unique romantic relationship of "dating a friend's brother" and "dating my sister's friend".

這里的男女主人公是個歡喜冤家,各自幻想著自己的愛情,總是埋怨找不到自己愛的人。他們覺得別人都比自己幸福。也許每個人都會有這樣的經歷,就是手里拿著鉛筆,而滿屋子卻在找這只筆。這部電視劇就是讓人們明白鉛筆其實就在你的手中的道理,告訴人們愛情和幸福其實就在你的身邊,只要稍微褪去外殼,你也能得到幸福 …… 實力派女演員高賢貞全新形象轉變,在《狐狸呀,你在做什麼》開播之前就受到了很多注目。在20日電視劇首播時,特別是戲中對性的描寫更是給觀眾帶來新鮮感,但是也使得和家人一起看這部電視劇有些不好意思。在劇中有很多關於性的描寫。例如在劇中高屏熙拿著子宮斷面模型在咖啡廳一直注視著,而且還在上面寫了“喜歡屏熙的”。觀眾看著把女性器官模型直接放在眼前一直觀看的高屏熙的樣子都感到很悲哀。這種關於性的描寫作者表示:“不是為了標榜這部戲是情色喜劇,而故意對性進行煽情的描寫,而是把現實生活中某些真實的故事些微加工反映到熒屏上,從而給觀眾帶來一些啟示。

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