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23Oct2024 - 06:34 40 AM
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Code : A-P35
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :300 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC , PAL ,
Discs :2
Model :VCD ,

大導演TobeHooper(德州電鋸大屠殺、鬼驅人)再次為你泡製一場惊心動魄,畢生難忘的恐怖之旅。 Nell和Steven來到洛杉机開始了新生活。當他們搬入了好萊塢歷史悠久的Lusman公寓住宅後,他們發現一系列不尋常的邪惡事件,那里潛伏了一名神出鬼沒的冷血瘋子,四處以鑽子、錘和電鋸殘殺他的受害者。當Nell意外的發現殺人魔藏身之處時,她所面對的是超現實的無止境恐怖...。 The Toolbox Murders continues with a cop investigation that involves interviews with residents and the landlord, and an introduction to a brother and sister who live in the an apartment in the same building. The pacing isn't what I would consider slow, though it is somewhat of an odd change of pace when the movie to starts full force and then goes into character development. Eventually another murder occurs involving a woman masturbating in her bathtub, it's a rather amusing scene and her reaction wasn't what i expected. Later in the film a person is kidnapped and a teenager does some investigating on his own. In terms of brutality, this movie never quite reaches the level it was during the first 30 minutes.

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