Light Yagami (Masataka Kubota) is an ordinary university student. One day, he receives a death note which changes his life. The death note awakens his warped sense of justice and genius. He becomes murderer Kira and punishes criminals.
L (Ke...
Set in the Joseon Dynasty period. Drama series follows the Crown Prince Sohyeon (Lee Jin-Wook), his warriors Heo Seung-Po and An Min-Seo and a guy named Park Dal-Hyang who is preparing for his military examination.
A shadowy society known as "Golden Cross" dominates the Korean economy and marketplace with its deep connections and financial power. Prosecutor Kang Do-yoon gets entangled into their dealings when one of their plots gets his beloved sister murder...
Han Yeo-reum (Jung Yu-mi) is a furniture designer who owns a workshop space that she shares with other designers. For the past one years, she's been dating Nam Ha-jin (Sung Joon), a plastic surgeon with a sweet and gentle personality. But Yeo-reum...