An unidentified investigator (Takahashi Katsunori) rents a room at a multi-tenant building with shady strip clubs. Although he is an investigator, he is not an occupational investigator, but a troubleshooter who undertakes various jobs as a go-betwee...
"Late blooming Sunflower –My life renewed-" is a story of 7 young adults living their ordinary days near the Shimanto river of Kochi prefecture, renowned as the last of the crystal clear streams. Somewhat nostalgic, somewhat new, they hold o...
"Late blooming Sunflower –My life renewed-" is a story of 7 young adults living their ordinary days near the Shimanto river of Kochi prefecture, renowned as the last of the crystal clear streams. Somewhat nostalgic, somewhat new, they hold on t...
Two teenage boys from starkly different backgrounds find themselves joined in a common search to discover how to do the right thing and find happiness in life. One boy, whose father is an alcoholic, works hard to care for his younger brothers, while ...
Meeting Ryuji Iwasaki, Yoko Usami, and their Buddyloid partners, Hiromu Sakurada and Cheeda Nick join them in the maiden voyage of the FS-0O, an original Buster Machine, and its Buddyloid Ene-tan. But upon being altered to an Enetron disruption in th...
Ryota Tsuboi (Hiroshi Abe) is a producer for a CM production company. His wife Sae (Tomoko Yamaguchi) is a food stylist. She is also enthusiastic about her daughter Moe's education and her work. Their only child Moe is affectionately called "furodo,"...
In 1947, Shirahama Shohei, who has returned from the battlefront, teaches again at a junior high school in Ota Ward. He is puzzled by the radical transformation that Japanese education has undergone because of the war defeat, but concerned for the we...
Two women (both played by Masami Nagasawa), who look identical, search for the secret behind their births and, in the process, discover about forbidden medical technologies and the mystery of life.
Doctor Keitarō Shido, an acclaimed scientist, has been kidnapped by the terrorist organization Neo-Shocker in order to exploit his expertise in robotics technology. Desperate to escape, he convinces Neo-Shocker command to allow him to operate on ...
The story revolves around a man named Tendou Souji . He has trained seven years while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto . Making many enemies while at the same time meeting other Riders with ...