After receiving a series of seriously disturbing love letters, Yumiko realizes that she is being stalked by Mikariya, a former classmate who allegedly killed his parent in a fit of insane rage. By the time she learns that Mikariya has inconspicuously...
The story of a writer named Kwanpilin (Roongrawee Borijindakul) who just finished her latest book, a story about a evil lizard. One day, on the way back to Bangkok, she buys an old, small wood box from a local villager and that's when the mystery beg...
Plot Synopsis: A tramp falls in love with a beautiful blind girl. Her family is in financial trouble. The tramp's on-and-off friendship with a wealthy man allows him to be the girl's benefactor and suitor.
This was a good overview and seeing the film clips on a large screen was a treat. his flicks work well when the best bits are extracted and displayed. a pretty lively introduction to chaplin's work and long life. some pretty cool home movies and arch...
British WW2 prisoners of war are given the task, by their Japanese captors, of building a railway bridge in a harsh Asian jungle. Led by Col Nicholson, a stereotypical British officer, the prisoners score a moral victory over the Japanese by not only...
Region Code - 6
Hard times came for Carraclough family and they are forced to sele forced to sell their dog to the rich Duke of Rudling. However, Lassie, the dog, is unwilling to leave the young Carraclough boy and sets for the long and dangero...
Region Code - 6
Plot Synopsis: Mrs. Anna Leonowens and her son Louis arrive in Bangkok, where she has contracted to teach English to the children of the royal household. She threatens to leave when the house she had been promised is not availabl...
Region Code - 6
With its perfect fusion of music and choreographic ideas, The Sleeping Beauty is the quintessential romantic ballet, and it finds its spiritual home preserved in the outstanding classic traditions of the Kirov Ballet. The stylis...