H2O's story revolves around Takuma Hirose, a blind young male junior-high school student, though the cause for his blindness is undetermined. After his mother died unexpectedly, it left a deep emotional scar on him, which caused him to become very l...
In a fantastic middle-age world where slavery is very common, there are mysterious tall towers named "Dungeon" which mysteriously appeared out of nowhere fourteen years before the story line. Someone who conquers a Dungeon becomes very powerful...
Prism Stars are performers on the new popular ice show, Prism Show. They are superidols whose techniques, singing and fashion sense are a cut above all others. Aira and Rizumu are two Prism Stars whose goal is to become the best, the Prism Queen. How...
The story is about a young boy named Sanshiro Sufata and his miniature PlaWrestle pocket robot with supper LSI circuit named Juohmaru Initially, the show was about Sanshiro's battles with Juohmaru against other PlaWrestlers in robot battle tournament...
The story takes place in the distant future and focuses on a boy named Yuma Tsukumo, the number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happens when Ryoga challenges him to a Duel as the mysterious ghost of Astral appears before them, a new l...
The "life-and-death sibling" story follows Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa, a boy and his little sister who find themselves all alone. One day, Yume sees a mysterious red butterfly and her body undergoes a strange metamorphosis—into a creature that...
Based on the best-selling franchise, this pulse-pounding feature length anime shows you a side of Bayonetta you've never seen before! Twenty years after her awakening, the hottest witch in gaming history is still searching for clues that could help...