Ataru (Masahiro Nakai) is a young man with autism, but possessing extraordinary abilities in specific fields. In particular, Ataru has enhanced memory and deductive reasoning abilities, which allows him to process seemingly trivial details in order t...
Yuta Konno (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) works at a food making company, but after an incident, quits his job as a salaryman and decides to enter medical school. By the age of 37, Yutta Konno becomes a doctor. As an intern, he begins to work at a university ho...
If you could start your life again, what kind of adult would you like to be...? Kogure Teppei is a police officer who is working in the community safety section of a local police station. Teppei's dream was becoming a detective of an investigation di...
Yoshitaro Katayama (Masaki Aiba) is a detective at the #1 investigation team in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Yoshitaro became a detective because of his dying father's last wish. Yoshitaro's father was a top detective, but Yoshitaro now ...
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker tells the story of a Chantry Seeker Knight named Cassandra. She, through the last acts of her mentor, learns of a plot by blood mages to bring down the entire Chantry. The blood mages have discovered a girl th...
The story revolves around a young girl named Kyouko who went with her childhood friend, Shou, to Tokyo to pursue his dream of becoming an idol. Despite her supporting him, she overhears him dismissing her as a boring wallflower. Furious, Kyouko vow...
The story is set in 1963 in Yokohama . Kokuriko Manor sits on a hill overlooking the harbour . A 16 year - old girl , Umi , lives in that house . Every morning she raises a signal flag facing the sea . The flag means ' I pray for safe voyages "...
The protagonist is a teenage girl (Tamaki) who revisits a small village she remembers from her childhood and gets caught up in her family's history and the supernatural dangers surrounding it. While walking along the hillsides waiting for the pers...
Kajika Burnsworth is talked into a "Marriage Game" by her father, the mighty boss of the Burnsworth Company. She will meet three men he has chosen and decide which one to marry. If she does, he will tell her what her true destiny is. 转载请注明出...
The story of Fate/Zero takes place ten years prior to the events of Fate/stay night, detailing the events of the 4th Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City.[2] The Holy Grail War is a contest, founded by the Einzbern, Makiri, and Tōsaka f...
Final Fantasy: Unlimited Chapter 1-35end
Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children
Final Fantasy VII: On The Way To A Smile-Episode:Denzel
Saint Seiya Chapter 1-114end
Saint Seiya:The Hades Chapter - Elysion Chapter 1-6end
Saint Seiya:The Hades Chapter - Inferno Chapter 1-12end
Saint Seiya:The Lost Canvas Chapter 1-26end
Saint Seiya 5 Movie
Saint Seiya The Movie: Gekijoban
Saint S...
Rick lives on the island of Windaria, inhabited by various races such as elves and beast-people. Amnesiac, he is rescued by three young ladies and taken to work in their bakery. But when a red moon rises and a deathly wind blows, they’ll all be...