The 3D anime film Toufu Kozou (Tofu Boy) is based on Natsuhiko Kyogoku's light novel titled Toufu Kozou Sugoroku-douchuu Furidashi - which itself is based on a ghost folk tale, re-imagining an iconic character in traditional Japanese folklore. Acc...
In the early Meiji era, after participating in the Bakumatsu war as the assassin "Hitokiri Battōsai", Himura Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed. When a...
Each episode typically follows the format of a self-contained short story where a person has been suffering torment from an acquaintance to the point that he or she accesses the Hell Correspondence website and submits a request to get rid of the pers...
The mastermind Lelouch and his sister Nunnally will retain their personas from the television anime while appearing as the Mad Hatter and Alice respectively. The mysterious C.C. will have a fitting, enigmatic role as the Cheshire Cat. Suzaku will con...
The girls of the social Welfare Agency are no ordinary children. They are the grizzly remains of human wreckage pieced back together with cybernetic implants and trained to kill by the government. The oldest,Triela,pursues her targets with a ferociou...
Created as a reboot of the Casshern franchise, Casshern Sins tells the story of a world where robots subjugated humanity after becoming self-aware. Their leader, Braiking Boss, ruled over the world with an iron fist. One day, a mysterious girl name...
Kyōhei, after moving away to Tokyo from his old village to get away from the events that happened there, is on a group date with his friends, including his old neighbor, Hibino. After drinking for a whole night, he and Hibino discover a dead, bloody...
Having recovered emotionally from the death of her brother Keough. Yufa , an acolyte, and her childhood friend,the swordsman Roan,set out for a new journey across the Rune-Midgard Kingdom . They are joined by the merchant Maya,the magician Takius , t...
Odoru Daisousasen is a Japanese drama, with some comedic moments. It originally ran for 11 episodes, and has spawned several TV specials and four full-length theatrical movies.
Oda Yuji plays a character named Aoshima Shunsaku, an ex-computer salesm...
Arimura Kotoko (Tokiwa Takako), the eldest daughter of the Arimura family, has been nursing her beloved mother, Rinko (Baisho Mitsuko), who is suffering from end-stage cancer and does not have much time left. On the last day before Rinko dies, Kotoko...
Kageyama (Sho Sakurai) works as the butler for rich heiress Reiko Hosho (Keiko Kitagawa). Reiko happens to be a novice detective but lacks certain deductive skills needed by detectives. Because of this Reiko relies on Kageyamaa to help her solve case...
Three individuals (a Super Sentai otaku, a cosplay otaku, and a closet anime otaku) are chosen by a beautiful scientist otaku to become the "Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger" and "protect Akihabara" from powerful otaku villains that only exist in their ...