The series takes place in "NC 1978" in a fictional, re-imagined version of New York City called Stern Bild City, where 45 years before, superpowered individuals known as "NEXT" (an acronym standing for Noted Entities with eXtraordinary Talents) start...
Sternbild City is home to people called \"Next,\" who use their special abilities to protect the people as superheroes. These heroes solve cases and save lives so they can wear sponsor logos or acquire \"hero points.\" Their activities are documented...
The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team, but it was disbanded due to not enough player. However, after the boy meets a female professional soccer team back.
In the Warring States period of ancient China, Xin and Piao are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin with dreams of becoming "Great Generals of the Heavens". One day, however, Piao is taken to the palace by a minister to be used for ...
Kamikura Hiroki is an art student at the local school Nadesico Achedemy (High School and colledge level) that tends to be an arts teacher in the future. He is also the advisor to the high school arts society where his cousin, Housen Ellse attends. Wh...
At the start it would appear that this story will only be about fun and good moments for the "club" members, but after a brief fun during the first ova,the story turns out to be more deep and tense. Rika now feels strange and distant.
In the Warring States period of ancient China, Xin and Piao are war-orphans in the kingdom of Qin with dreams of becoming "Great Generals of the Heavens". One day, however, Piao is taken to the palace by a minister to be used for an unknown purpose, ...
2 days before the entrance exam, someone attempts to destroy the entrance exam. Who is that person? Everybody seems to have a motive. As the truth remains hidden, high school teacher (Masami Nagasawa) observes various cases that happens.
Kiyan Wu Aescin is a lively girl high school students. Grandma operations in Okinawa soba shop "Circular ー So ka ba" and in high school beauty sister · Nanao, strong ability of pupils spiritual sister · Heart of seven living together. ...