Dog & Scissors centers around Kazuhito Harumi, a high school boy who is obsessed with reading books. One day, while reading in a cafe, he is shot and killed when he attempts to protect a random stranger. As he is determined to read his favorite a...
Eureka Seven consists of fifty episodes which aired from April 17, 2005, to April 2, 2006, on the Mainichi Broadcasting System andTokyo Broadcasting System networks. Almost all of the show's episodes are named after real songs, co...
Set in an alternate reality, modern-day South Korea is governed by a constitutional monarchy descended from the Joseon Dynasty. Lee Jae-ha (Lee Seung-gi) is a handsome yet materialistic crown prince who doesn't care about politics and feels t...
There's three sisters in the Inuyama family and each has big problem. Second daughter Haruko (Yoko Maki) receives a marriage proposal from the man she lives with and loves. Yet, Haruko declines the marriage proposal and their relationship becomes unc...
Nueno Masuke,better known as Nube , is a school teacher who does more than just teach .You see,Nube's left hand is a huge, nasty-looking demon's claw .He uses it to get rid of malicious demons,ghosts,spirits and other supernatural beings that are giv...
After the Gingaman defeated the Space Pirate Barban, peace returned to the Earth once again. Gingaman who had been returned to the space is backs to the Earth, and faces their new enemy, Captain Gregory and his majin, Ghelmadix. While Gingman is trap...
This series pivots around a hapkido teacher Jang Man Ok (Hwang Jung Eum) becoming a stylist of top idol group TAKE ONE, composed of the perfectionist Lee Tae Ik (No Min Woo) and a free yet kind guy named Won Kang Hwi (Park Ki Woong) and getting into ...
The Great Seer begins during the reign of King Gongmin (Ryu Tae-joon). But despite being about seers, geomancers, divinators and the like, this drama is less about the fantasy and more about the political movers and shakers — people who had the...