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12Mar2025 - 01:38 27 AM
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VCD Shadowless Sword 无影剑 Korean Movie
Code : 3732453
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Staring :李瑞镇 , 尹素怡 , 申贤俊 , 李基蓉 ,
Director :金荣俊 ,
Year :2005
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Korean ,
Discs :2
Model :VCD ,

After the fall of Sanggyongryongchonbu, the capital of Balhae in the year A.D 926, Georan tribe establishes ‘Dongran-guk’ meaning ‘Georan of the East’. Dongran-guk dispatches Chucksaldan, a group of the hit squads and sweeps out the royal family in order to prevent a reconstruction of Palhae. Resistants who are composed of the rest of the followers of Palhae leave to find out the family member of the king, who is able to rebuild Palhae. The movie begins at the quarters of Balhae Crown Prince Dae Soo-Hyun. An eagle passes by and screeches. Soohyun hears this and knows that the Chuk Sal dan is about to hit. His Imperial guards see the walls fly, and two arrows kill of several soldiers. A battle ensues as the Balhae Imperial guard and the CSD fight off. Gun appears and sees that Mae and the CSD soldiers took care of the Imperial guard. Gun and Mae enter the Crown Prince's quarters. Suddenly, the captain of the Imperial guard enters the room to protect the Crown Prince, but is killed by Mae. Gun asks the Crown Prince and gives him one more chance to surrender to the Dongran-guk, but the Crown Prince refuses. He unsheathes his 'Mooyonggum' (shadowless sword), and charges at Gun, but Gun gets the Crown Prince from below, and the scene ends with rain and thunder. Then, the Crown Prince is shown laying down on a bloody floor with his sword out of his hand. 《无影剑》描写的是乱世男女的情爱纠葛和命运,是一部以渤海时代为背景描写3位英雄的故事的武打片。李瑞镇扮演国家面临灭亡,因为政治斗争不幸被流放的二王子“大正贤”,准备为重建受到契丹威胁的祖国渤海国而献身。在此过程中,他卷入四角恋爱。   在电影《阿罗汉掌风大作战》中展示出炫丽武功的尹素怡将扮演渤海第一女战士“燕素河”一角,她徘徊于两个男子之间,演绎爱情悲剧。燕素河的父母被契丹侵略者杀害后,由武艺高强的秘密组织抚养长大。她的武艺高强且功夫与众不同。临危受命去寻找被流放的王子。为了保护王子,她拿出了无影剑。   在流放的十几年里大正贤是一个靠倒卖偷来的赃物为生的平民。因为经历了不得不面对的命运巨变和数十年的流放生活,他不相任燕素河,不相信她告诉他的一切,所以他选择逃跑。在逃离途中,他遇上了侵略者派来的一批刺客。幸运的是,在燕素河的帮助下,他艰难地死里逃生,然后决定随她一起返回渤海国。   与 “大正贤”争夺权力和爱情的“君和平”一角由在《飞天舞》中给人留下强烈印象的申贤俊扮演。他本是渤海国的将领,但由于自己贪婪的野心,他背叛了自己的祖国,与承诺帮助其建立王国的契丹侵略者勾结。大正铉和燕素河能否冲出重围,顺利的回到渤海国呢?一场不可避免的血战展开了……

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