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17Apr2024 - 07:54 52 AM
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VCD Mr.Duke 新贵公子 Korean Drama
Code : 1908592H
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :400 g
Staring :金胜友 , 崔智友 , 崔兰 ,
Year :2000
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Korean , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :12
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,
Producer :KOREA MBC ,

"Mr. Duke" is one of the most anticipated production in Year 2000. "Beautiful Days"’s female lead, Choi Ji Woo and "Hotelier" ’s male lead, Kim Seung Woo, acted in this "Mr Cinderella versus Miss Snow White" production. Ahn Jae Wook’s guest appearance in the first episode as Choi Ji Woo’s matchmaking partner has been most funny! If you have seen enough of Korean versions of "Mr Prince & Miss Cinderella", "Mr Duke" should be a "Mr Cinderella versus Miss Snow White" story. KSW exhibited his comedian ability via a mineral water deliveryman here. This is one of his personal favourite productions. Zhang Xiu Zhen (by Choi Ji Woo), the only daughter of famous enterpriser, was forced to attend matchmaking sessions. He intend to make his son-in-law his successor. However, Xiu Zhen doesn’t wish to get married. Playboy Jiang Cheng Yi (by Jin Bing Shi), who eyed on Xiu Zhen’s father’s riches, pursed her. Xiu Zhen lied that she has been attached. Somehow, she found Yong Nan (by Kim Seung Woo) to act as her boyfriend. Jin Yong Nan is a mineral water deliveryman. The cheerful him is popular among friends. Xiu Zhen lied to her father that Yong Nan is a doctorate. From a humble background, Yong Nan is unfamiliar to the noble society. Thus, Xiu Zhen used one week to "transform" him. Gradually, feelings for each other developed. Cheng Yi exposed Yong Nan’s humble background. Xiu Zhen’s father blew to his top and instructed them to part. He kept Xiu Zhen at home. Yong Nan is worried about Xiu Zhen’s plight. In the end, they broke all barriers and got together. "Mr Duke" has a predictable storyline. After looking at Ji Woo’s sad "Xiu Lian" and Seung Woo’s solemn "Han Tae Jun", the comical "Mr Duke" has replaced tears with laughter. In the midst of orphans and disease-tormented plots, "Mr Duke" has shown warmth and happiness. 主演: 张秀珍(崔志友饰) 金雍男(金承佑饰) 朴爱子(崔 兰饰) 徐恩儿(崔诤润饰) 白光树(Hong Kyung In饰)    美丽的张秀贞(崔智友)是韩国屈指可数的大集团材盛集团会长唯一的女儿,但秀贞却一直坚持不遇上所爱的人不结婚。为了让她尽快找到合适的男子,张会长派人把韩国最门当户对、而且符合金博士条件的未婚男子的资料收集起来,每晚在游艇上举办晚会,借此介绍许多的青年才俊给女儿认识。每天晚上累人的晚会让秀贞不胜奇烦。为了达到目的,她欺骗父亲说自己在伦敦已有一个当教授的男友,要回去见他。   这个谎话让他的父亲高兴极了,撤消了每晚的晚会,同时又极力催促秀贞把她的男朋友带回韩国见见面。这样一来,令秀贞非常为难,但又不能承认那是自己撒谎的事实,因为如果那样的话,她又会回到那夜夜应酬的悲惨日子。于是秀贞只好叫跟自己非常亲密的朴爱子秘书(崔兰饰)尽快找一个人来假扮她的男朋友。勇男只好答应冒充秀贞的男朋友。   一个星期后,秀贞带着“刚刚回国的博士男朋友江枝云”来到父母面前。秀贞和叔叔仁哲到机场接“刚从英国回来的姜博士”,明导演跟摄影师金昌虎等人已经在机场安排好一切,谁知刚刚从出机口走出来的勇男突然转身跑回机场了,大家都一下子慌了手脚,原来仁哲竟然是勇男送水公司的会长。而勇男豪爽开朗、平易近人的性格更令仁哲对他产生好朋友的思想。大家都没有发现勇男是假“姜博士”的事实。   但此时,大诩集团的姜松日会长也因为公司经营上出现大危机,而急需找一个大集团注入资金解救。在偶然得知秀贞是集团张会长的独生女后,姜松日决定要利用秀贞达到自己的目的。于是他处心积虑、想尽方法接近和讨好秀贞身边的人,得到他们的好感和支持。当他知道秀贞突然出现一个博士男朋友,感到事有跷蹊,于是派手下赵室长调查勇男,终于知道勇男冒充的事实。但他们为什么要破坏勇男的事呢?为了获知他们的阴谋,明导演他们和光洙联合起来,偷偷在姜松日的办公室和家里安了窃听器。英俊诚实的姜松日正是目前身边的最佳人选。于是他不顾仁哲的反对,强迫秀贞和松日来往,并提出要见松日的母亲。   松日暗自高兴,张会长迫秀贞跟松日结婚,秀贞坚决不同意,于是趁晚上偷跑出来找勇男,向勇男表白说想要跟他在一起。勇男知道自己没有能力照顾秀贞,于是暗中打电话给张会长,请他派人来把秀贞接回去。爱子把事情告诉仁哲,仁哲借见客户之名,把张会长带到有静预先在酒店订好的房间。张会长惊讶的看到穿着睡衣的松日出现在门口,而有静也故意衣冠不整的走出来。勇男知道后,非常担心秀贞的处境。仁哲劝勇男去找秀贞,勇男还是犹豫。秀贞临走前,把一封信交给叔叔,请他转交勇男。仁哲急忙把信送过去,勇男看完后,知道秀贞对自己的感情很深,赶到机场。   勇男冲到机场的广播室,把自己的心里话说了出来。已经进了闸口的秀贞听到,连忙冲了出来。勇男以为秀贞已经上了飞机,失望的走出机场,呆呆的望着起飞的航班,这时,后面传来一声清脆的叫声,勇男回头一看,看见秀贞正气喘吁吁的站在面前。秀贞飞扑过去拥住勇男,勇男深深的吻住了她。

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