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15Jan2025 - 04:22 16 PM
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Forbidden Love - 九尾狐外传
Code : W-094
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :200 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

This drama series was produced with a hope of bringing the young generation back to television as it successfully combines the elements of action horror with those of a tragic melodrama. "Forbidden Love" depicts a fight between two different species: humans who at times act inhumanely, and non-human creatures who can be more compassionate than human beings. This drama is based on a legend about a fox with nine tails that loves humans but is eventually betrayed by them. While presenting the modern version of a tragic love between a human and a fox with nine tails – two species that can never coexist, this drama also tackles such contentious issues as the moral aspect of genetic manipulation, social and economical costs associated with a longer lifespan, and human cloning. 九尾狐外传”是2004年韩国一部精彩动作与现代电脑特技制作相结合的科幻连续剧。  九尾狐爱上人类却被人类背叛,传说中人类和九尾狐的爱情,重现为现代版悲剧爱情故事。  九尾狐族是外貌酷似人类,但较人类具有更优越的超能力,而在数量上却处于劣势的族群,他们必须在一定时间内食用人类的肝脏才能得以生存,为了活在世上,九尾狐们不得不隐瞒自己的身份。 九尾狐施妍在人类世界的自然博物馆里担任馆长,她掌握着解决九尾狐家族和人类之间千年争斗的“钥匙”。在九尾狐世界中,为了生存,九尾狐可以食用死人的肝脏,她的职责是处罚违反规定吃活人肝脏的九尾狐。她既要处罚吃人的九尾狐,同时也要阻止九尾狐和人类之间的矛盾。  目光温柔善良的警察民宇,热情且充满自信,在自然历史博物馆与施妍邂逅后便不可自拔的爱上了她,理智冷漠的施妍也为民宇那温暖的微笑所打动,但白天在博物馆做馆长的施妍,到了夜晚却会变成身负重任的九尾狐族女战士,她的双重身份让施妍的内心深处感到不安和恐惧。因为在九尾狐的世界中和人类恋爱是族中大忌,所以施妍跟民宇的爱情必定充满艰辛。单恋着诗妍的另一名九尾狐——武英和单恋着武英的彩怡同样是悲剧命运的主人公。肩负除掉九尾狐族任务的警察民宇、九尾狐族最高权力者武英、在爱情和种族信念间徘徊的施妍、将生死置之度外的彩怡,他们之间复杂的感情纠葛会有怎样的结局呢?

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