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12Mar2025 - 12:39 20 PM
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Hongkong Anime

Hong Kong Anime: The Warrior DVD 黄飞鸿之勇闯天下
Code : SD 0030
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :100 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

Once upon the time, a huge war was waged between Huang Di and Chi You. At the end, Huang Di defeated Chi You with the mystic power of the sacred stone that was used by Nu-wa to mend the heaven. After the War, Huang Di created 4 treasures to seal the stane and ordered 4 Guardians to look after them.
To recover the treasure, Yuan Bao, leading a group of hitmen, attacked FeiHong's Master. Before the Master died, he handed the treasure (fan) over to FeiHong. Driven to protect the sacred stone, FeiHong followed the instructions on the treasures and found the other two Guardians, a talking Panda and a Snowy Zin. During the journey, the party had overcome a lot of diffulties and build up a strong friendship among themselves. Nevertheless, the treasure was seized by Yuan Bao eventually......

相传女娲用七彩石补天时,碎块掉落人间,被黄帝得到。石头拥有非凡的神力,帮助黄帝打败邪恶的蚩尤,并封住其灵魂。为免日后心术不正之人得到此石,黄帝将它封存于一处隐秘之地,并造四件宝物赐予四人,命他们世代守护石头。这四人和他们的后人被称为“守护者”。   其中一位守护者便是飞鸿的师傅。师徒二人原本在深山中过着与世无争的日子,直到有一晚元宝率杀手突然来袭。师傅将一把扇子交予飞鸿,之后便消失在元宝的炮火中。飞鸿奋力摆脱杀手的追杀后,照折扇指示的方向找到了另一位守护者——一只会说话的熊猫和他的宝物——一个大竹笋。从熊猫口中飞鸿才知道折扇便是师傅的宝物。正当他们出去找另一位守护者时,元宝的杀手追至。熊猫被擒,竹笋落到元宝手上。
飞鸿追到一个大城市结识了阿荣,并救出熊猫。   元宝照竹笋的指示比飞鸿提前一步到达守护者倩儿的冰雪世界,并骗取了她的信任。待飞鸿三人赶到时,倩儿不由分说就与他们激战。当她醒悟时,元宝已经偷走她的宝物,并引发雪崩。混乱中折扇也落入元宝手中。
绝望的飞鸿在冰洞中发现了黄帝的神殿。从殿内壁画得知宝物共有五件。这个秘密令他们重燃希望。   元宝因宝物被洋人宝顿抢走而开动城堡与宝顿的炮船激战。飞鸿等人到达时城堡已倒在宝顿的炮船旁。   宝顿将四件宝物齐集但仍无法得到石头,气极败坏下枪伤倩儿等人。飞鸿中枪之际,神秘的第五件宝物出现了,存放石头的异空间被打开,石内蚩尤的邪恶灵魂将被释放,世界面临大乱……

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