Price : | |
Weight : | 200 g |
Staring : | Kim Jung-Hwa , Gang Dong-Won , Han Hye-Jin , Lee Byung-Wook , Kim Ji-Woo , Kim Seung-Min / 金晶和 , 姜栋元 , 韩惠珍 , 李秉宪 , 金智宇 , |
Director : | 张根洙 , |
Year : | 2003 |
Genre : | Family / Love / Relationship , Modern , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , English , Korean , Japanese , |
Language : | Chinese/ Mandarin , Japanese , Korean , |
Video Format : | NTSC , |
Discs : | 2 |
Region Code : | ALL , |
Model : | DVD , |
Producer : | KOREA MBC , |
Based on an original novel of the same title, is an exhilarating romantic comedy that takes you on a ride into the boy-meets-girl type of love story. This cute romantic comedy is sure to attract audience of all ages.
Da-Hyun Kim teaches Korean in middle school. One day, on the way home in the subway, she gives seat to a poor old man and helps him with his bags. She soon forgets about this but from that day on, all kinds of strange things start happening in her life. In the meantime, Jae-In is in a meeting at his office when he's interrupted by an urgent phone call. He had become estranged from his grandfather ever since he ran away from home. This also meant deletion of his name from his grandfather's will. But all of a sudden, he now gets a call that his name was written back on his grandfather's will again and what's more, he is also given the order of priority. He's even more surprised when he finds out that it is not the first right to inherit the fortune but the first right to date a certain girl. To make things worse, his grandfather says he'd bequeath his every single fortune to the girl Jae-In has never even heard of.
《恋爱机会1%》是电视剧拍摄史上的一次新的尝试,采用了一种新的方式,内容上是大众熟悉喜爱的青春罗曼史风格。《恋爱机会1%》像是一部青春小说和纯情漫画,题目依旧用的是原着的名字。原着是一篇网路小说,受到众多读者的喜爱,包含了罗曼史小说的所有要素。这部电视剧的主人公是三个20多岁的女孩和三个30多岁的男生,讲述了他们的真爱故事。这个主题永远是所有年龄层的女人们都幻想和羡慕的,是“有趣的浪漫电视剧”。 某中学国文老师金多贤(金静华)下班在地铁上见到一位两手提着包袱步伐蹒跚的老人,她赶紧把座位让给了老人,从此以后怪事接踵而来。多贤是个相貌一般但心肠极好的女孩,她可怜老人吃力的样子就跑上前帮老人提起了包袱,她陪老人在一站下了车,直到把老人送上郊区客车才离开,这件事多贤没多想,随即就忘掉了。其实这个老人就是“圣玄集团”的会长,后来老人更改了自己的遗嘱内容,在遗嘱里添加了“子孙中能娶到多贤的人,才有权利继承大部分家产”,于是载仁 (姜东元)开始到处寻找这个叫多贤的女人……