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14Mar2025 - 12:48 43 PM
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DVD Fire Bird /Phoenix 火鸟 Korean Drama
Code : W000016
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :200 g
Staring :李瑞镇 , 李恩珠 , 郑慧英 , 文晸赫 ,
Director :吴京勋 ,
Year :2004
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Producer :KOREA MBC ,

Love is timing. Love needs just the "right time". It's not because you loved him or her less that you parted. Heaven brings you your soul mate when the time is just "right". Phoenix shows you this heaven's work. There is a young couple who desperately fell in love but who couldn't be together because the time wasn't just right for them. Years pass by and these two meet again. And the trick of fortune switches their situation and environments. A daughter of a millionaire (Lee Eun Joo) has now become an helper suffering from the grim realities of life. On the other hand, an orphan self-supporting student (Lee Seo Jin) is now an accomplished wealthy businessman. Now these two people are looking at the world with different eyes. The childlike girl has finally learned the harshness of the world and the guy with once twisted mind has learned to enjoy the latitude of mind. In the end, these two start to understand each other, thus arriving at the "right time".

興奮的開著進口的智恩一不留神沖進一家加油站的辦公室, 驚慌的智恩一時不知該怎麼辦. 幸好辦公室內的世勛没有什麼大礙, 看了一眼坐在車座上的智恩, 没想到智恩郤郤無視世勛的好意, 目中無人的毫不理會。 而此時, 智恩的朋友傳來定婚的消息, 在朋友們的諷刺挖苦下, 智恩表示一定带男友去參加朋友的訂婚議式。於是需要馬上現找一個男朋友的智恩拜托世勛假裝她的男友. 在朋友的訂婚儀式上智恩成為注目的焦點. 而在世勛的細心照顧下, 逐漸被感動的智恩終於開始與世勛正式交往......

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