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27Jul2024 - 10:07 36 AM
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The Soul Keeper DVD 我美丽的守 我美丽的守护天使 DVD The Soul Keeper
Code : DVD-DJ
Price : MYR9.90 SGD4.70 USD3.86 RMB26.73 MYR7.92 / SGD3.76 / USD3.09 / RMB21.38
Weight :100 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :English , Chinese , Malay ,
Language :English ,
Discs :1

Region Code: ALL
Picture Format: NTSC

【原片名称】The Soul Keeper
【类  型】剧情/爱情/战争

【内容简介】 Seduced by Jung, killed by hate, redeemed by history. In 1905 a 19-year-old Russian girl suffering from severe hysteria is admitted into a psychiatric hospital in Zurich. A young doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and for the firs time experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher, Sigmund Freud. Based on recently exposed secret correspondence between Jung Freud and Sabina Spielrein, this true story begins with the Spielrein's healing, closely related to her passionate love affair with Jung, followed by her return to post-revolutionary Russia? Where she became a psychoanalyst herself founding the famous White School? and her sudden death in 1942, the victim of Nazi violence. The investigation of this story becomes an essential component of the film via two modern researchers, Marie, a young French scholar, and Fraser, a historian from Glasgow, who follow Sabina's life from Zurich to Moscow to Rostow, leading to the discovery of missing portions of the original correspondence. And since any exploration of others' lives inevitably leads to delving into one's own self, the two stories then finally interweave and are swept away in the passionate journey.   

摋�什么离了雨水还能生长?什么能够永远不停地燃烧? 棗石头离了雨水还能生长;爱情能够永远不停地燃烧。�
2002 年的意大利电影�我美丽的守护天使�(Prendimi lanima),真得像它的名字一样,有让人窒息的美艳。从弗洛伊德时代的奥地利到列宁斯大林时代的苏俄,时空本身的魅力像永远不会熄灭的火焰燃烧,再加上被意大利艺术家赋予的流畅的节奏、纯正的影调、迷人的俄罗斯风情的音乐,一部不容错过的艺术影片诞生了。

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