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27Jul2024 - 09:45 04 AM
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Iryu- Team Medical Dragon DVD vol.1-11end 医龙 医龙 DVD vol.1-11end Iryu- Team Medical Dragon
Code : 2828056000250
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :300 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :6

Ryutaro Asada is enjoying his peaceful life in the countryside, when he is visited by Akira Kato, assistant professor of the Faculty of Cardiac Surgery at Meishin University Medical Hospital.

Ryutaro is a genius surgeon who used to lead "Team Medical Dragon," a world-class NGO medical team. In harsh environments that lacked medicine and electricity, Ryutaro witnessed many lives pass away. At the same time, he saved many other lives, helping his matchless skill overwhelm other doctors.

As a female doctor, Akira managed to become an assistant professor. She has ambitions to be promoted to professor by succeeding in a surgery using the Batista technique — an extremely difficult type of heart surgery — and also by writing a paper on it. A year ago, Akira witnessed Ryutaro's skills when he was an NGO doctor. That's why she recruits him and asks him to use the Batista technique. Since Ryutaro's arrival, urgent patients who would have been abandoned in the past, are miraculously saved by the "hands of God.

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC

【剧  名】:『医龍-Team Medical Dragon-』


【首  播】:2006-04-13

【回  数】:11

【导  演】:久保田哲史   水田成英

【编  剧】:林 宏司

【原  作】:乃木坂太郎

【製作人】:長部聡介  東 康之

【音  楽】 :河野 伸  澤野弘之



【演 员】:

朝田龍太郎(33)/坂口憲二   加藤晶(35)/ 稲森いずみ  伊集院登(26)/ 小池徹平   霧島軍司(39)/ 北村一輝   荒瀬門次(34)/ 阿部サダヲ  里原ミキ(25)/ 水川あさみ  木原毅彦(35)/ 池田鉄洋   藤吉圭介(38)/ 佐々木蔵之介 鬼頭笙子(45)/ 夏木マリ  野口賢雄(59)/ 岸部一徳

【简  介】:

从前是指挥难民营中世界级别救命医疗队伍 医龙(Team Medical Dragon)的天才外科医生的朝田龍太郎,和觊觎教授座位的野心助教授(稲森泉),同医院的腐败斗争的故事。

    在這個以教授為頂點的封建社會裡面,當權者將瀆職和醫療失誤視為理所當然,肆無忌憚地讓人成為犧牲品。為了改變這個封建社會,加藤晶(稲森泉) 決定與朝田龍太郎(坂口憲二) 合作。

    朝田龍太郎(坂口憲二):四年前曾跟隨北日本大學參加MSAP,曾帶領MSAP最好的醫療隊伍TEAM MEDICAL DRAGON「醫龍」。因為某件事的關係被開除,變得自暴自棄,放棄了當醫生隱居,直至遇上加藤晶...



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