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15Jan2025 - 11:10 45 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA HOTMAN 2 爸气十足 2 by Kashida Shogo (JD09)
Code : 9555369505082
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Sorimachi Takashi , Ito Misaki , Shiraishi Miho , Ichikawa Yui , Saito Shota , Saito Keita , Yamauchi Nana ,
Director :Nakajima Satoru , Iijima Shinichi , Ibe Masato ,
Year :2004
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :English , Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

This return of the energetic patriarch, Enzo Furuya (Takashi Sorimachi) and his family in a new story - HOTMAN 2. New cast members include Misaki Ito and Miho Shiraishi in the nostalgic working class setting. They aren't rich, but are somehow heroic and full of energy.

In an effort to improve Nanami's allergies, Enzo gets a transfer to a primary school in a small seaside town. The oldest sister Shima (Misaki Ito) opens a natural food stores. Hinata (Yui Ichikawa) takes a job as a nurse and younger brothers Haiji (Shota Saito) and Ryunosuke (Keita Saito) set out on their own.

One day, Shima drops in on Enzo. Something strikes Enzo as not right about Shima's demeanor and he follows her back to Tokyo only to discover that their house there has been put up for sale! Shima's natural food business has failed leaving large debts, which Enzo and his family will have to shoulder. But when Enzo sees the exhausted Shima, he can't bring himself to scold her. In order to help Shima, he starts a plan where the family will all live together again.

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC


【首 播】:2004-10-07

【回 数】:12

【编 剧】:樫田正刚 

【原 作】:‘ホットマン’きたがわ翔(集英社 ヤングジャンプコミックス刊)

【出 品】:TBS

【人物介绍】/【演 员】:

降矢圆造/反町 隆史 降矢志麻/伊东美咲(伊东Misaki) 大月あやめ/白石 美帆 降矢ひなた/市川 由衣 降矢灰二/齐藤 祥太(齐藤祥太) 降矢龙之介/齐藤 庆太(齐藤 庆太) 降矢七海/山内 菜菜 水泽贵美子/高桥ひとみ 千叶るみ子/安倍麻美 森谷夕子/石桥奈美 鹤田健太/佐藤二朗 青沼纯一郎/远山俊也 池上オサム/真木大辅(EXILE) 水泽いちご/美山加恋 龙子ママ/山素由湖 藤田将人/平沼纪久 小椋良一/小西良太郎 日高かずえ/绀野まひる 小田切/松田悟志 尾久间刀记/深水元基 坂本雪水/黑谷 友香(黑谷 友香)




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