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28Feb2025 - 08:00 01 PM
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JAPANESE ANIME - Naruto Shippuden 火影忍者疾风传 Vol.696-699
Code : 9555652703461
Price : MYR17.90 SGD8.50 USD6.98 RMB48.33 MYR14.32 / SGD6.80 / USD5.58 / RMB38.66
Weight :150 g
Year :Oct 2016
Rating :5 ,
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Girl Series Animation , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Features :Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :VBG Network Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

It has been two and a half years since Naruto Uzumaki left Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village, for intense training following events which fueled his desire to be stronger. Now Akatsuki, the mysterious organization of elite rogue ninja, is closing in on their grand plan which may threaten the safety of the entire shinobi world.

Although Naruto is older and sinister events loom on the horizon, he has changed little in personality—still rambunctious and childish—though he is now far more confident and possesses an even greater determination to protect his friends and home. Come whatever may, Naruto will carry on with the fight for what is important to him, even at the expense of his own body, in the continuation of the saga about the boy who wishes to become Hokage.


故事敘述一名古代的武士青馬劍之介時貞,在長年的沉睡後甦醒於現代。他在過去所� {駛的機體,則被聯合國作為古代人造物進行研究,並開發出了同樣尺寸的大型機械人。而在過去曾與青馬劍之介時貞戰鬥過的「鬼」,也從宇宙再次來到了地球。

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