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12Mar2025 - 12:39 16 PM
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DVD Amachan Part 1 小海女 / 海女 上部 Japanese Drama
Code : V4603-1
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :350 g
Staring :能年玲奈 , 桥本爱 , 小泉今日子 , 宫本信子 , 药师丸博子 , 蟹江敬三 , 尾美利德 , 杉本哲 ,
Director :井上刚 , 吉田照幸 , 梶原登城 , 西村武五郎 , 桑野智宏 ,
Year :2013
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , Japanese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

Summer holidays... Amano Aki follows her mother, Haruko, to her hometown in Kitasanriku. There, she meets her maternal grandmother, Natsu, for the first time. Natsu is a woman diver, and Aki thinks that is just so cool. Aki is a second year high-school student, and she struggles to keep up with the fast-paced life in Tokyo. Having been confined indoors most of the time, everything she sees in the rural town is exciting to her. But most of all, seeing her grandmother diving under the fierce surf along the coastline, leaves a huge impact on her. "I think I would like to be a diver too..."

厌烦了家乡一成不变的生活,24年前,对大都市东京满怀憧憬的天野春子(小泉今日子 饰)在北三陆电车开通首日离家出走。此去经年,早已成家但生活并不舒心的春子接到母亲病危的短信,于是带着女儿秋(能年玲奈 饰)返回家乡。如之前所料,这一切不过是好友大向大吉(杉本哲太 饰)的骗局,其目的是希望春子能够接替母亲夏(宫本信子 饰),继承当地有着悠久历史且即将消亡的海女职业。存有深深芥蒂的母女俩针锋相对,争执不断;而从未与外婆谋面的秋却深深为碧海蓝天以及海女所吸引。经过数日盘桓,被东京压抑的空气逼迫得喘不上气来的秋作出人生中重要的决定,那就是留下来成为一名海女。 

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