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22Feb2025 - 11:46 45 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA DVD Silent Poor / Sairento Pua / 无声贫穷 by Atsuko Sagara (JD41)
Code : v6036
Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
Weight :300 g
Staring :Kyoko Fukada , Yukiya Kitamura , Nanami Sakuraba , Maki Sakai / 深田恭子 , 北村有起哉 , 山口纱弥加 , 渡边大知 , 香川京子 ,
Director :Masaya Iseda 伊势田雅也 , 清水拓哉 , 长谷知记 ,
Year :2014
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Japanese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

Silent poor... the poor and needy whose cries for help are drowned out in today's busling society. Their existence is spreading rapidly across the nation, and as such, the government decided to set up a body to help them. Nationwide, there are now people called Community Social Workers (CSW), and their jobs are to attend to the poor and needy. One such person is Satomi Ryo, and she works at the Shitamachi area's Council of Welfare. The people that she meets in her busy working life are people afflicted with juvenile dementia, those who have shunned society and locked themselves up in their rooms, the homeless... generally people who are in despair over life and the fate dealt to them. Ryo herself had been down the lonely road before, and as a way to pull herself out of her depression, she decided to work as a CSW, in order to help others like her. She strongly believes that one can always start all over again, and it is her belief that helps her to move forward in life.

本 剧讲述无声的这种看不见的贫困正在社会蔓延时,为了面对这个问题而在全国各地逐渐建立的,就是CSW这个组织。里见凉作为人情逐渐淡薄的东京平民区的社会 福利协议会CSW的一员,每日都奔波在自己深爱的街区中。 在工作中凉遇见了各种各样努力地活着,却又无法自控地沉向现代社会的孤独深渊的人们。他们中有垃圾屋的主人,家里蹲,流浪汉,少年性痴呆症等等。凉向他们 伸出了双手,触碰着他们的人生。可是谁又知道,那样的凉自己也怀抱着巨大的孤独。 人生任何时候都可以重来——抱持着这样的信念不停奔走的凉所想见的未来画面,是被自己伸手帮助过的人和街区支持着的自己,向着新的生活迈出第一步的那一天

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