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14Mar2025 - 01:48 09 AM
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DVD Fondant Garden Part 2 翻糖花园 Fan Tang Hua Yuan Taiwan Drama (Eng Sub)
Code : 9555209011346
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :220 g
Staring :朴政珉 , 王传一 , 李相林 , 路斯明 , 庞祥麟 , 简嫚书 ,
Director :张家政 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 中天娱乐台 ,

Zheng Mi En (Jian Man Shu) is a talented pastry chef who works and manages at a successful bakery called Fondant Garden. Her boss and close friend from college, Chen Ai Lin (Lia Lee) always asks Mi En to bake cakes for her and pass them off as her own creations, convincing her prideful father that she is the one baking the amazing cakes. Ai Lin's father sends Ai Lin off to a fondant cake-making competition in Korea, causing Ai Lin to drag Mi En into her mesh of lies once again.


In the midst of this, Po Xi Huan/Park Hee Hwan (Park Jung Min) is a second-generation Taiwanese-Korean businessman from a Korean company who does not wish to inherit his family business. His father plans to use the upcoming cake competition as a way to force Xi Huan into an arranged marriage with the winner, who apparently has been chosen ahead of time. Xi Huan's Taiwanese half-brother, Yan Han Xiang (Kingone Wang) runs the family business division in Taiwan, but wants to be the successor of Xi Huan's father's company. Because of this, Han Xiang is a little annoyed that his younger half-brother is uninterested in taking over the business, and yet might inherit it instead of him.


帮 他安排了跟相亲对象的见面,而这…… 已经是半年来的第20 次了! 希焕的父亲是韩国饭店及旅游集团的总裁,所以希焕自小就过着无忧无虑的生活,即便父亲一直以来都很严厉,但只要他用无辜水汪汪大眼向奶奶撒娇,他就能幸免 于父亲的「谆谆教诲」,但对于相亲这件事,父亲似乎不打算让步,希焕简直快要喘不过气来了! 这天,希焕又前往和父亲安排好的对象相亲,因而遇见前来参加由希焕父亲企业举办的韩国蛋糕新秀大赛的米恩与爱林,短暂的相遇,让希焕对米恩留下深刻印象。

就在韩国蛋糕新秀大赛当天,希焕趁机作乱,然后准备「落跑」出境。抵达机场的希焕,对于目的地却毫无头绪,突然!他想起爱林提过台湾有很绮丽的美景,对…… 就去台湾!
于是,聪明的希焕在机场写了张明信片,并且拜托瀚祥前往巴黎的旅客到了巴黎后再帮他寄出卡片,企图误导父亲自己人在 巴黎的假象,拖延自己被找到的时间。然后,当他终于如愿以偿来到台湾,并且打算先来趟环岛之旅时,没想到却阴错阳差弄丢了行李、钱包,这下可好!身无分文 的希焕该何去何从?
希焕来到一个看来乡下的地方,从下午走到了黄昏,又从黄昏走到了不知深夜几点,他拖着疲累的步伐,终于看见远处黑暗 中,唯一一处晕黄却温暖的灯光,还闻到一股让他肾上腺素激增 的味道,循着香味走去,他贴在玻璃橱窗上,盯着那些蛋糕,这才发现自己正饿的发昏……。屋内的米恩早就意识到外面有一个不明物体伫足,她咬牙鼓起勇气,于 是——突然间!希焕的后脑遭一巨大力量痛击,瞬间眼前一片黑,失去了意识…… 。
医院中,希焕逐渐清醒,先是感到头部一阵剧痛,接着又隐约听见有人用中文在讨论着他身上什么证件也没有…… 。希焕闻言,混沌的脑袋顿时清醒了过来,看着眼前这在韩国一面之缘的女孩,希焕心里盘算着将错就错,可是…… 这里是哪里呢?心急的米恩看着希焕,一旁的爱林又嚷嚷替自己冠上「他是你的爱慕者」,米恩顿时百口莫辩,看着装一脸无辜的希焕,米恩感到十分不妙,她似乎 惹上一个大麻烦了…… 。


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