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14Mar2025 - 01:57 20 AM
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TAIWAN DRAMA DVD Love Recipe 料理情人梦 by Du Zheng Ze 杜政哲 (T01)
Code : 9555209010608
Price : MYR69.90 SGD33.20 USD27.26 RMB188.73 MYR55.92 / SGD26.56 / USD21.81 / RMB150.98
Weight :400 g
Staring :Kenji Wu , Liu Tai You , Li Jia Ying , Emma Wu , Rhydian Vaughan / 吴映洁(鬼鬼) , 吴克羣 , 李佳颖 , 凤小岳 , 柯有伦 ,
Director :Huang Ke Yi 黃克義 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 中天娱乐台 ,

An An's (Li Chia Ying, Momo Love) dream is to marry a rich guy, but instead she's stuck with a rundown chicken restaurant. Along with her best friend (Gui Gui) and cook Yong Le (Kenji Wu), An An sets out to revitalize her family's restaurant, but they face fierce competition from a restaurant across the street, newly opened by He Xia (Rhydian Vaughan). What An An doesn't know is that Yong Le and He Xia are actually brothers working together to steal her family's long-lost secret recipe. But there's a dent in their plans: they both like An An! Singer Kenji Wu returns to the small screen in the 2011 CTV romance Love Recipe, his first idol drama since The Rose in 2003. Co-starring Li Chia Ying (Momo Love), Monga star Rhydian Vaughan, and Gui Gui (Pi Li MIT), the series revolves around four young people connected by confused romance, restaurant rivalry, and the search for a 100-year-old recipe. Jack Li (Monga Yao Hui) and singer Alan Kuo also appear in the drama.


曾經在數年前風靡一時的料理店「金雞母」,但目前卻早已光環褪盡,「金雞母」老闆娘的獨生女兒黎安安(李佳穎飾),安安從小的夢想就是嫁給富家公子,以期帶她飛上枝頭作鳳凰,夢想終於實現了,開始和風度翩翩的飯店小開李健一(柯有綸飾)交往。但因某些因素逼得安安與他從小一起長大的好友王美亞(吳映潔飾)需積極的整頓「金雞母」的店務,而雇用了傅永樂(吳克?飾)當「執行主廚」,也因帥哥主廚永樂也讓店裡的生意增增日上,但這時何夏(鳳小岳飾)卻在「金雞母」對街開了一家標榜著時尚台菜的餐廳與其競爭,誰料到永樂與何夏是沒有血緣關係的兄弟,兩兄弟為了完成父親心願,決定使出「無間道」,一人開店打壓,一人埋伏臥底,最終目的是要從金雞母手中搶回百年菜譜。 誰料到兩人雙雙都喜歡上安安,在上一代恩怨所賦予的任務與三角愛情產生時……究竟,安安情歸何處?

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