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13Mar2025 - 04:55 26 AM
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JAPANESE DRAMA Affectionate Time / Yasashii jikan / 溫柔時刻 by Akio Kobayashi, So Kuramoto, Akihiro Tago, Noriko Yoshida (JD01)
Code : 9555369506386
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :Akira Terao , Kazunari Ninomiya , Masami Nagasawa , Shinobu Otake , Mayumi Asaka , Hiroshi Fuse ,
Director :Rieko Miyamoto , Daisuke Tajima , Masaki Nishiura ,
Year :2005
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , TVB Series Offer ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

This is the story about one small coffee shop located in the northern island of Hokkaido. Yukichi Wakui used to work as a successful businessman at a prestigious trading firm. He worked for several years in New York as well as other cities around the world. When his wife Megumi died at the age of 47 in a car accident three years ago, he decided to leave the company. He was only 57. When Megumi died in the accident, her 18-year-old son Takuro was at the wheel. Yukichi declined an offer to switch to an affiliate company after his retirement, and moved to Megumi’s hometown Furano, Hokkaido instead. There he started a small coffee shop named “The Forest Clock.” Unbeknownst to Yukichi, Takuro is working as an apprentice pottery maker in Biei—a town located 50km away from Furano. His father hasn’t spoken a word to him since the accident. One day, Takuro meets Azusa, the lovely Forest Clock employee who has a habit of accidentally breaking the shop’s plates and cups. It doesn’t take long for the two to fall in love. Will the wall of ice between father and son ever melt? Adding color to the drama are the conversations between Yukichi and the tourists and café-goers who drop in the shop.


湧井勇吉(寺尾聰 飾)長年被公司派駐海外,在三年前的57歲時,兒子拓郎(二宮和也 飾)發生� {駛過失導致愛妻小惠因而車禍身亡。之後辭去工作,在小惠的故鄉-富良野開始了一間名為「森林之鐘」的咖啡店。而拓郎經由母親好友朋子(余貴美子 飾)的介紹,在距富良野僅僅50公里外的美瑛小鎮上,一個叫「皆空窯」的窯場裡學習陶藝。但事故之後,父子不再相見,勇吉並不知道此事。某日拓郎在超市遇見森林之鐘的店員皆川梓,拓郎告訴她如果需要盤子可以來找他,兩人留下聯絡方式。之後勇吉舊日的部下水谷夫婦造訪森林之鐘,聊到夫婦兩人也想辭掉工作回鄉下經營小旅館。拓郎為了父親湧井的60歲生日禮物,拜託朋子轉送自己親手作的陶藝品。未料湧井在回憶與愛妻談起雪蟲的時候,突然得知水谷美子太太被緊急送入醫院並將不久於人世的消息。當晚與水谷長談,才知道辭工作開小旅館只是水谷為了要讓妻子開心地走完這最後一段路所安排的騙局。面對水谷的含淚告白,勇吉無言以對…水谷離去後,森林之鐘的常客與店員們為勇吉準備了生日驚喜,唯獨缺席的阿梓,此時人在50公里之外的皆空窯…

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