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27Dec2024 - 05:59 23 AM
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Size Does Matter 峰壁双姝 DVD (Offer Japanese Drama) (JD 26)
Code : 9555369506874
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :深田恭子 , 伊東Misaki ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , TVB Series Offer ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Emi is a top sales person at the handbag section of a department store. Many people admire, and sometimes even envy, Eri for her beauty and outstanding skills to sell products to customers. However, Emi secretly suffers from a complex: she is flat-chested and was once nicknamed "kabe onna" (wall woman) by her former classmate. One day, a new sales person named Marie joins Emi's department. Unlike Emi, Marie is extremely busty as if she's carrying mounds (yama) on her chest. On top of her great bosoms, Marie also has her own special way of effortlessly selling the products to the customers. Though feeling a little threatened by Marie at first, Emi soon realizes that they have more things in common than anybody else: they both take pride in their career and dedicate themselves to helping their customers. Through numerous obstacles, Emi and Marie foster special friendships with each other.


青柳惠美是丸越百貨公司皮包專櫃的王牌銷售員, 30歲的她兼具青春美貌和精明能幹,是一個不折不扣的職場打拼族。 但是如此優秀的她也有一個難言之隱, 那就是她不夠豐滿的胸部,每次站在內衣櫃檯前, 她都忍不住鬱悶,恨不得上天賜給她一個豐滿的胸部。 就在這天早晨,從青葉支店� {來了一個名叫球谷麻理惠的店員, 25歲的麻理惠甜美可愛,更令人羡慕的是, 她有一個超級豐滿的胸部,這讓惠美等人都又妒又恨。 就這樣惠美和麻理惠成了職場同事。 麻理惠很佩服做為皮包賣場主任的惠美, 但是她也有自己的夢想,那就是擁有一家屬於自己的店。 上班第一天麻理惠就賣掉了價值15萬的兩隻皮包, 這不得不讓惠美等人對她刮目相看。

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