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03Jan2025 - 04:08 16 AM
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DVD City Hunter 城市猎人 Epi 1-20 End Korean Drama (Eng Sub)
Code : W001579
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :320 g
Staring :李敏镐 , 朴敏英 , 李俊赫 , 黄善熙 , 具荷拉 , 金相中 , 李光洙 ,
Director :陈赫 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Producer :KOREA SBS ,

Lee Jin Pyo and Park Mu Yeol are best friends and two special agents hired by Choi Eung Chan to carry out secretive assassination of the North Korean officials in Pyongyang. Eung Chan is the leader of the five high-ranking government officials and they decide to send these two agents as North Korean spies. Even though their mission is successful, unfortunately, they have to betray Jin Pyo and Mu Yeol which caused the death of 20 people and Mu Yeol. Feeling guilty and betrayed, Jin Pyo then snatched Mu Yeol's newborn son, Lee Yoon Sung from his mother and left a note that her husband has died. He raised him toughly in the Southern Asia with the hope that one day, Yoon Sung can avenge on behalf of his father. 

1983年,武烈及其好友李真彪奉命带队潜入平壤执行一项暗杀任务。没想到的是,在撤退过程中,他们却惨遭背叛,包括武烈在内的20名特工殒命,唯独李真彪逃过一劫。原来派遣此项任务的5位高层,其中4位为了掩饰该任务可能带来的后继影响,决定对执行此项任务的所有特工进行人间蒸发。 2011年,一名年轻的留学归国博士进入青瓦台国家信息情报部门,他名叫李润成,他年轻多金、风流成性。然而,没有人知道,李润成的父亲正是当年惨遭灭口的武烈,抚养他长大的是当年逃过一劫的真彪。他此番前来,是为了报复当年5位高层欠下的20条人命,即使他们当中有人已经成为总统……

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