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26Jun2024 - 06:09 06 PM
Category :


Bull Doctor 暴走医生
Code : 3361400037513
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :270 g
Staring :江角真纪子 , 志田未来 , 小日向文世 , 石原里美 , 稻垣吾郎 ,
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Media Way Trading ,

Tamami (Esumi Makiko) is a shrewd forensic pathologist who boldly acts according to her own convictions. She would do whatever it takes to reveal the truth behind the deaths of victims who have no voice, and pays no heed to the objections from those around her. But at home, she has trouble with household chores and communicating with her son, which makes her feel torn between work and family. Chika (Ishihara Satomi) is a career detective who does nothing at the police precinct. She wants success in work as well as marriage, but her life spins around in aimless circles. Even though the two of them face off each other over strange, unnatural deaths and get into conflicts because they are the least compatible, they unravel these mysteries as if they are speaking for the dead.


「死因查明」被指是「人世間受到的最後醫療」。這劇記述了兩位女性,在知道「很多真相被埋沒」的情況下,如何挑戰那樣嚴酷的環境,將充滿謎團、驚恐、不可思議的事件的真相一一查明的故事。 這二人性格南轅北轍。彼此的立場、理念、推理、意氣、自尊心等等…,全都十分矛盾。但是在兩人激烈的衝突之中,那些亳無預示而失去生命的死者,他們的痛苦,悲傷都能夠從這「最後的傾訴」而解開。

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