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21Jan2025 - 12:14 25 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA HANCHOU / Jinnansho Azumihan / 神南署安积班 by Ishihara Bull, Okumura Toshio , Nabae Yukiko (JD09)
Code : 9555499402664
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Sasaki Kuranosuke , Nakamura Shunsuke , Tsukaji Muga , Kurotani Tomoka , Kashu Toshiki , Yamaguchi Shogo , Hosokawa Shigeki ,
Director :Sakai Masahiro , Takenoshita Kanji , Wada Akira , Takemura Kentaro ,
Year :2009
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

This is a story about the detectives at the Jinnan Police Station in Harajuku, Tokyo. Azumi Tsuyoshi, head of the Criminal Affairs Department trusts his staff and usually does not interfere with their investigation. However, one day, a dead body is found in the neighborhood. Toyo Ota, a neighbor, is spotted screaming into a microphone towards the victim’s house. Azumi who thought this was strange felt the need to investigate this case himself. He starts talking to her and they become friends, but the next day, Toyo surprises him by saying that she is the one who killed the woman and surrenders to the police.


某夜,珠寶公司的女社長橫谷美津江被人殺害在某公園裡,錢包也不異而飛,當安積班的人員到現場勘查時,突然有人拿著大聲公在廣播安積班尋找聲音來源時,才發現是住在橫谷家對面的一名老婦人太田太太,正拿著擴音器叫橫谷小姐起床,看似好心但事實卻是噪音擾人在安積和水野到太田家詢問她時,太田的回答真的是很機車,不過太田應該是你對她好,她就會以十倍的好回報妳隔天太田就到神南署自首,說橫谷就是她殺的,也說出錢包的丟棄處,雖然太田自手了,但安積卻不相信 追查之後發現原來是替一名年輕人頂罪,因為那名年輕人曾好心的幫她提過重物,但那名年輕人只是拿了錢包而已,沒有殺了橫谷在� {查之後原來橫谷還有一位兒子,因為兒子要和女友結婚,但橫谷卻嫌棄女生是酒店小姐,在拉扯之下,誤將橫谷推倒在地,造成死亡 這集我對於太田婦人在警局被詢問時的反應印象很深刻她說反正她是孤單老人,而年輕人還有大好的未來,所以只要她願意的話,代替他被關有什麼不可以還好最後安積班的人都有去陪太田婦人,很溫馨的結束這一集

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