Like the original series, "SPEC" will revolve around a pair of police detectives as part of a special division solving difficult cases (Mishou). Touma Saya is a woman with an IQ of 201 and an inability to "read the atmosphere" in social situations. Due to a previous case, her left arm is in a sling. Her partner Sebumi Takeru used to be the star performer of the Metropolitan Police. After some incident however, he was transferred to Mishou. Those two track down offenders with special abilities(SPEC) who managed to get away with their crimes.
这个世界上,潜藏着一些人,他们身上拥有着超出常人能力和认识范围的特殊能力(spec)。 比如拥有更敏锐的感觉,拥有非同寻常的运动神经,拥有极其优秀的天才大脑。如果,这些人之一将这种能力用于不法途径的……如果,用特殊能力,觊觎他人的生命和财产以至社会地位,或者,用其窥伺政权…… 同时,这种特殊的能力已经被各国政府所注意,潜藏在水面之下,明争暗斗的潜流已经在不断扩大。 本剧正是一部讲述年轻的警察们,与拥有spec特殊能力的犯罪凶手展开追逐的故事。