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03Jan2025 - 05:02 28 AM
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DVD Plan B / The Fugitive Plan B 逃亡者 Korean Drama (Eng Sub)
Code : 4759132390010
Price : MYR99.90 SGD47.45 USD38.96 RMB269.73 MYR79.92 / SGD37.96 / USD31.17 / RMB215.78
Weight :400 g
Staring :郑智薰 , 尹珍序 , 李廷镇 , 李奈映 , 丹尼尔.亨利 ,
Director :郭正焕 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :KOREA KBS ,

During the Korean War, a vast amount of money disappeared. Now, some 60 years later, the money has reappeared, leading to a frantic chase across the globe. Jin Yi (Lee Na Young) is a seemingly innocent woman who has hidden motives for approaching Ji Woo (Bi). Her plans are complicated by an unexpected romance developing between them, as well as the numerous pursuers hot on their trail. Kieko (Uehara Takako) is a famous Japanese singer who also gets tangled up in a relationship with this man. Little do they know that her father Hiroki (Takenaka Naoto), apart from being a business man, is a powerful yakuza. In this love triangle, who will finally win the love of Ji Woo?


对钱很敏锐,对女人也很敏锐,在国际侦探协会中也相当出色的名侦探智愚。寺庙墙壁上的帧画不晓得被谁给揭下了,接到住持的百万元的案件,却硬是说谎变成一亿元的他,今天也在国际间活跃的活动着。帅气的解决了事件后,心情很好的智愚,和他预料中不同的是,其实帧画遗失事件不过就是另一个委托人「真异」对他的试验。 一群不明人物夜晚来到真异家中,想对她不利,真异通过熟练的身手从阳台逃脱。而另一边智愚的办公室也被警察闯进,但他启动防护设施并没有被发现,道秀一气之下把摄像头用枪打破,智愚很心疼。   而那群人在真异的家里发现了墙上的智愚的照片...随后真异给在日本做生意的卡伊打电话,说因为怕给他带去危险所以不能和他在一起,要卡伊订一个房间。在日本东京的一所学校的课堂上一位女老师正在讲韩国银行在朝鲜战争期间神秘消失的天文巨款问题,下课后她——黄教授,给中国赌亨打电话询问了智愚的相关问题。

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