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14Mar2025 - 01:49 38 AM
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DVD Channel-X 国民英雄 Part 2 Eps.10-19 End (Eng Sub) Taiwan Drama
Code : 9555209008889
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :郑元畅 , 郭采洁 , 李志正 , 周采诗 , 周詠轩 , 艾伟 , 陆廷威 ,
Director :江丰宏 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 三立 ,

Zai-Yun Ang(Joseph Cheng),who is a well known TV anchorman,is in suspicion of killing a woman, who has been identified as his girlfriend.Then, he chose to face the general public in front of a video camera and accused the general public should be the murderer.When a person's true love is dead,would his ideal and passion die with it?Or,would he become more tenacious in the pursuit of righteousness and truth?To increase TV rating,Chiao-Lu Hong,who is quite good in the gathering of gossips ,adopts the non-conventional approach of news reporting to put the so-called "the true news"on the X channel.He intends to dip up the dirty secrets of the anchorman and reveal them on TV so as to destroy the anchorman and thus the BIGTV.Do you really know who are you in love with?Is he a murder suspect of a victim? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to find the truth? The pursuit of truth would bring about killing. Is there any bigger conspiracy hidden behind such killing? What is the price one has to pay to get an exclusive? Are you willing to pay for it with your love,reputation of life?


知名前主播安在勇涉嫌杀害一名女子,女子身份经过证实是他的女朋友,洪小绿! 杀人嫌疑犯安在勇走投无路,选择在监视器自白,指控所有观众才是真正的凶手! 时间回到一年前......。 “萨摩塔斯”计划,是全国最大石化公司IPIC不为人知的秘密。一如罗浮宫最为知名的萨摩塔斯胜利女神雕像,他是一尊无头的女神,无人可以看到雕像的真正全貌,永远是一个谜!但,这个谜团,在IPIC总裁陈嘉林和官方指派的郑经伦,双方合作的万滨工业区BOT案中,却渐渐地露出了冰山的一角,危机四伏......。 BIGTV当家明星主播,安在勇。表面上,他被称为“人型读稿机”,专业地报新闻与充满魅力的萤幕形象,让他成为BIGTV的门面与收视保证。但私底下,他却随时准备为新闻的独立自主向新闻台抗争,操作他能利用的有限资源,不惜脱稿演出,只为向观众报导事实的真相。最了解他的,除了BIGTV的新闻部主管孔元庆,愿意包容他在电视台体制内的冲撞,还有未婚妻罗珊珊,身为环保社运份子的她,有著同样追求社会正义的热情。 洪小绿,狗仔队的个中高手。她所拍的独家照片,是名人的最恨,读者的最爱。她被新成立的新型态新闻媒体X频道吸收成为记者,利用她擅长的调查跟监能力,以八卦爆料的方式,吸引观众的注意力,以非传统的新闻操作模式,执行X频道所宣称的“更真实的新闻”。X频道以新闻台老大哥BIGTV为假想敌,洪小绿最新的任务便是找到BIGTV当家主播安在勇是否有不为人知丑陋的秘密,用八卦摧毁他也就摧毁了BIGTV。

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