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14Mar2025 - 01:55 07 AM
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TAIWAN DRAMA DVD That Love Comes 欢迎爱光临 Episode 1 -18 End by Sun Jie (孙洁), Qiao An (乔安), San Qi (三七) (T09)
Code : 4734132340012
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :270 g
Staring :Joe Cheng , Li Fei Er , Pei Pei , Sun Jian , Bu Xue Liang , Stephanie Chang / 郑元畅 , 李菲儿 , 裴蓓 , 孙坚 , 卜学亮 ,
Director :Ke Han Chen 柯翰辰 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Ye Zi’s (Li Fei-Er) father passed away when she is young and she left home early to repay her mother’s debts. Besides, she also has to support her younger brother’s studies. At the other end of the city, fashion photographer Xia Tian (Joe Cheng) and top model Flora (Emma Pei) are being known as the golden pair and both of them were having a successful and famous life. However, Xia Tian’s innermost desire is to live a simple life and he wanted to become a wildlife photographer. But his girlfriend Flora cannot let go the life of fame and Xia Tian gets tired of dealing with her. Finally, he chooses to break up. On the other hand, Xia Tian saw his own desire for pure happiness from Ye Zi, the convenience store girl…


葉子(李菲兒飾)父親早逝,她很早就離家來到大城市,在一家小便利店打工, 為母親還債,同時供養正在讀書的弟弟。雖然生活困難,但葉子相信只要堅持就能得到幸福。 看似平凡的一天,葉子準備還掉最後一筆貸款,希望從此以後可以開始自己嶄新的人生。然而時尚攝影師-夏天(鄭元暢飾)無意闖入了便利店與葉子邂逅。一系列陰差陽錯後,葉子還債的夢想幾乎破滅。夏天深夜發現失誤趕回便利店還錢。葉子經過一天情緒折磨,從夏天手中接過還帶著他體溫的錢,葉子無聲哭了出來。這是她第一次在大都市從陌生人中體會到的第一份溫暖。 城市的另一端,時尚攝影師夏天和頂級名模-Flora(裴蓓 飾)被稱為黃金搭檔,功成名就。然而夏天內心渴望簡單直接的生活,他渴望成為記錄野外生活攝影師。女友Flora對於名利圈生活念念不忘,夏天疲於應付終於選擇分手。夏天在便利店女孩葉子身上看到了自己嚮往的純淨美好,他們之間的距離看似遙遠,然而夏天卻不由自主被葉子吸引,終於他跟隨葉子開始相信:只要堅持,幸福就一定會降臨……

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