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14Mar2025 - 01:53 57 AM
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TAIWAN DRAMA DVD Jhong Wu Yan / Zhong Wu Yan 钟无艳 Eps.10-19 End (T10)
Code : 9555209007783
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Cheryl Yang , Chen Shi Ying , Ming Dao , Fu Xian Hao , Chris Wu , Wang Si Ping / 明道 , 杨谨华 , 吴慷仁 , 王思平 ,
Director :林清振 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :TAIWAN 三立 ,

The story plot basically reinvents the "historical" story of Zhong Wu Yan in which she lives in the 21st century. Wu Yen is intelligent and compassionate, but she lacks Beauty, born with a red birth patch on one side of her face. However since she was young, she had "blindly" adored QiXuan as he had complimented her red patch as pretty like Mudan flower rather than mock her as everyone else had. Grown up, Zhong Wu Yan continues to track the news and social updates about QiXuan who is now one of the city's most desired bachelor.

Unfortunately, QiXuan is a good looking but extremely empty-headed guy who is lacking academically, thus resulting in much jokes due to his typo or misinterpreatation of words. However, he remains a good nature and kind hearted guy. As a kid, his repeated failure to please his father (with top grades) regardless of his hard work resulted in a young man who stopped trying as he felt he and his efforts will never be acknowledged. Currently, he waste his life away chasing after skirts of beauty and immense in booze and women.

Through chanced incident, Wuyan and Qi Xuan got "reacquainted". The father realised that his only son is not hopeless imbecile afterall but just lacking a good mentor to guide him. As such, he proposed a marriage between the two. Despite Wuyan's numerous success in saving him from being overthrown from his father's company, QiXuan nonetheless prefers the beautiful Xia Ying Chun everytime the storm dies down. So it becomes a mystery to her friends and family as to why she still sticks around her good for nothing fiancé.


貌丑无双的平民女子–钟无艳对当时齐国的朝纲不振甚感痛心,於是她冒险前往雪宫台齐宫所在之地,孤身杀入正殿,自请晋见齐宣王阐述她的治国理念,之后在她的全力辅佐之下,原本国运渐衰的齐国终於步上正轨,走入强国之林。   但是,拥有绝顶才智,却也绝顶丑陋的钟无艳,付出所有,只能帮她赢得宣王的敬畏、钦佩、赞叹、欣赏、感激,却从来得不到宣王的爱。   因为宣王的心,始终只系夏妃–夏迎春一个人身上,传说钟无艳有多丑、夏迎春就有多美,虽然宣王理智上清楚知道无艳有多好,但感情的天平,却往往不由自主往迎春那边倾斜。   屡屡失望的无艳终於彻底寒了心,含泪挥刀斩落长发,收起她几乎被消磨殆尽的破碎真情,离开了不懂珍惜的齐宣王。 2010年,故事仍在继续….   来到山水乡,提起钟家的二女儿钟无艳,那真的可以说是无人不知、无人不晓。   她绝顶聪明、亲切友善、宽容大方、体贴温柔,从小就跟爸爸两人帮著乡长四处排解纠纷、奔走筹钱、造桥铺路、掘井找水,全体乡民爱戴她的程度,俨然把她当成山水乡的地下乡长。   除了脸上一片朱红色的胎记,无艳几乎可以算得上是零缺点。   对!我说的是『几乎』,被你发现了。   毕竟胎记是与生俱来的,算不上什麼大缺点,乡民们已经不太在意,大家比较在意的是她另外一个小小的….嗜好?兴趣?死穴?   那就是….迷、恋、齐、宣。   齐宣是何许人?   八卦杂志封面王,女性最想一夜情对象,性感与无脑齐名,号称十全九美只差草包的齐氏集团小开是也。   这个男人迷倒了世界上很多女人,但为什麼就连冰雪聪明的钟无艳也会被这个草包迷倒?   这件事已经成为山水乡七大不可思议之首,乡民们茶余饭后最热衷谈论的话题,钟家不可告人的禁忌。   因缘际会之下,天真开朗的草包少爷遇上了聪明世故的地下乡长,暂停了两千三百多年之久的命运之轮重新启动。原来在17年前,他们早就相遇,并且两家缔结婚姻之约。   只是,长大后的齐宣,竟然和无艳想像中的完全不一样,而且他生平最讨厌的就是丑女,让无艳非常受挫、失望。没想到,命运又偏偏把两人撮和在一起,齐威一声令下,要无艳进齐家,帮助齐宣保住齐氏集团总经理的位置。   草包齐宣带给无艳不少麻烦,无艳渐渐发现,他的蠢他的真背后隐藏的伤痛。而齐宣,却只是有事就找钟无艳、无事怀抱夏迎春……   冰雪聪明的无艳,渐渐埋葬对齐宣的好感,她的身边,也出现一位懂得珍惜她的神秘盲眼男,究竟四人还会发生什麼故事?就让我们继续看下去...

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