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05Feb2025 - 02:00 19 PM
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Reign Of Assassins 剑雨
Code : 4744221600019
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :楊紫瓊 , 鄭雨盛 , 學圻 , 徐熙媛 , 余文樂 , 林熙蕾 , 戴立忍 , 吳中天 , 金士傑 , 吳佩慈 , 李宗翰 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :PAL ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

In 428AD, Bodhi, a Southern India prince became a Buddhist monk and set off for China, earning a hallowed reputation as a mystical martial artist. Following his death, his remains mysteriously disappeared. Hundreds of years later, Zhang, a high-ranking court official, is assassinated by Drizzle. Zhang's son Jingxiu, whilst mourning his father's death, is assailed by a group assassins. They leave him for dead, but somehow he survives and escapes their clutches. Drizzle, a talented warrior herself, finds herself in possession of Bodhi's remains, and begins her quest to return them to their rightful resting place at Yunhe Temple. The Black Stone, a team of deadly assassins who employed Drizzle, are also after the remains and the powerful secret they hold. To hide from The Black Stone, Drizzle undergoes drastic facial surgery and changes her name to Zeng Jing (Michelle Yeoh). She flees to Beijing, where she meets and falls in love with Jiang, soon to become her husband. After a confrontation in Beijing, Zeng Jing's identity is uncovered and both she and Jiang must lee for their lives. As Zeng Jing kills off members of the gang while they are on the run, she quickly realizes Jiang is actually Jingxiu, and he is seeking to avenge his father's death. This leads to a lethal triangle and a fight to death between our hero Zeng Jing, Jiang and The Black Stone.


公元428年,天竺高人羅磨努占出家為僧,東渡中原,練成絕世武功。羅磨祖師死後,遺體下落不明。武林相傳只要得到遺體,參透箇中玄機,即能練成絕世神功,稱霸武林,各路江湖高手於是馬上蠢蠢欲動。 數百年後,江湖上出現一個名為「黑石」的暗殺組織,當中以心狠手辣、從未失手的「細雨」(林熙蕾飾)最冷血無情。在一次暗殺中,她殺死一位朝廷命官,其子張人鳳(郭曉冬飾)卻僥倖逃過。 後來,細雨在行動中遇上武藝超群的修行僧綠竹(李宗翰飾),令她的生命泛起了漣漪。雖然綠竹苦勸細雨放下屠刀,最終卻死在細雨劍下。他的死讓細雨頓悟——原來殺死一個關心自己的人會有錐心之痛。最後,細雨決定告別腥風血雨的日子,重過新生。 然而,落在細雨手上的羅磨祖師遺體必定會令江湖風起雲湧,於是她決定把遺體安放於雲河寺,讓祖師能入土為安。由於「黑石」亦正四出追尋遺體下落,為了掩人耳目,細雨決定改頭換面,接受易容,並改名為「曾靜」(楊紫瓊飾),隱身於京城內過著平凡安定的日子。 在機緣巧合下,曾靜遇上老實人江阿生(鄭雨盛飾),兩人後來更共偕連理,豈料「黑石」卻懸紅巨賞要取回羅磨祖師的遺體和取下細雨的首級。重賞之下,黑白兩道、江湖中人、昔日仇人甚至平民百姓個個都在磨刀霍霍。 某天,曾靜為保護江阿生而被迫出手殺人,不慎暴露了自己的身份。幾天後,當曾靜在家門前發現三塊整齊排放的黑色石頭,她便知道「黑石」已經找上了她,她的過去和她根本無法分割。 「黑石」首領轉輪王(王學圻飾)派出三位頂尖殺手雷彬(余文樂飾)、葉綻青(徐熙媛飾)和彩戲師(戴立忍飾)逐一刺殺曾靜身邊的人,要她知道組織已經知道她的所在。轉輪王更向曾靜開出免其一死的條件——交出羅磨祖師的遺體。 一如所料,當曾靜交出遺體之際,轉輪王欲殺人滅口。為保丈夫之命,曾靜決定與江阿生逃出京城。就在她要殺出重圍的時候,竟然發現江阿生就是張人鳳,一心為報父仇而來。張人鳳逐一打敗「黑石」的殺手,最後與轉輪王展開一場生死決鬥。 曾靜面對與江阿生錯綜複雜的關係,以及「黑石」殺手的苦苦追迫,進退兩難,她該何去何從。最後會由誰克敵制勝,解開祖師遺體中潛藏的秘密?

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